10 weeks pregnant is how many months?pregnancytips.in

Posted on Fri 16th Apr 2021 : 09:15

10 Weeks Pregnant
Your baby is as big as a prune.
pregnancy week 10, baby in utero at 10 weeks pregnant illustration
3 - 4 cm
Weeks to go!
by Catherine Donaldson-Evans
Medically Reviewed by Jennifer Wu, M.D., F.A.C.O.G. on June 24, 2021
Explore Pregnancy Week 10

Baby development
Body changes
Common symptoms
Tips for you
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You | re now in month 3 of your pregnancy, and your baby has officially graduated from an embryo to a fetus. You may just be starting to show at 10 weeks pregnant (though if there are no signs of a bump yet, that | s normal too), and you might also notice visible veins and increased vaginal discharge.

Your Baby at Week 10
Your Pregnancy Week 10
At a Glance
Baby's first teeth
While baby-to-be | s pearly whites won | t appear until she's about 6 months old, teeny tooth buds are now developing under the gums.
Tummy time
This week, the stomach is producing digestive juices and the kidneys are making larger quantities of urine.
Building bones
Bones and cartilage are forming this week, knees and ankles are starting to take shape and tiny elbows are already working!
10 weeks pregnant is how many months?

If you're 10 weeks pregnant, you're in month 3 of your pregnancy. Only 6 months left to go! Still have questions? Here's some more information on how weeks, months and trimesters are broken down in pregnancy.
How big is my baby at 10 weeks?

Your baby's growth is fast and furious when you are 10 weeks pregnant. She's nearly 1½ inches long and the size of a prune, but not nearly as shriveled — even with all the time spent in water.
The start of the fetal period

Congratulations! Your baby has officially graduated this week from embryo to fetus.
Baby's bones form

Your baby is really taking a human shape now. Bones and cartilage are forming and small indentations on the legs are developing into knees and ankles. The arms, complete with elbows, can flex already — how's that for magical?

Still, don't run to the store for a baseball bat just yet. Though your baby's arms are taking shape and getting stronger, each one is still teeny-tiny.
Baby's first teeth

The tooth bud fairy is making an appearance this week, heralding the arrival of your baby's little choppers, which are forming under the gums. But those pearly whites won't break through the gums until your baby is close to 6 months old.

Other systems are a go, too. Your baby's stomach is producing digestive juices, the kidneys are producing larger quantities of urine and, if it's a boy, your little one is already producing testosterone.
Your Body at Week 10
10 weeks pregnant woman
Symptoms may persist

You may still be noticing some of those fun pregnancy symptoms sticking around. All clogged up? For many moms-to-be, those pesky pregnancy hormones cause the smooth muscles of the large bowel to fall down on the job — they get sluggish and you get constipated.

Fiber in the form of whole grains, fruits and veggies can help, as can drinking lots of water and exercising regularly.

Still coping with nausea and vomiting? Your doctor may suggest one or more of these morning sickness remedies.
How Big Are 10-Week Bumps?
Your 10 weeks pregnant belly

If you haven't already looked in the mirror lately and examined your newly pregnant body and your 10 weeks pregnant belly, take a deep breath, take off your clothes and go for it.

First thing you're likely to notice at 10 weeks pregnant is a slightly rounder lower abdomen.

In other words, at 10 weeks pregnant, you may be just starting to show. That | s because your ever-growing uterus is now somewhat larger than a grapefruit. But don't worry if you can't quite see your bump at 10 weeks yet — you will soon enough.

Remember that pretty much anything is normal when it comes to your baby bump. Some women show earlier and others show later depending on their height, weight and build. If it | s your first pregnancy, you may show a bit later than if it | s your second (or third!) pregnancy. Talk to your doctor if you | re concerned, but don | t worry. Pretty much anything goes!
Visible veins

Second thing you might notice are all those blue lines that have suddenly appeared on your skin, crisscrossing your breasts and abdomen.

These visible veins can appear on both light and dark complexions. What you're seeing is the expanded network of veins that's carrying the increased blood supply needed to nourish your growing fetus.

As your pregnancy progresses, you'll also notice that the veins in your hands and feet seem larger and more prominent, too. During pregnancy, the average woman's blood volume increases by a little under 50 percent and the veins have to keep up so they can go with the flow.

So consider those blue lines on your body to be a pregnancy badge of honor: Wear them with pride and with the comforting knowledge that they'll disappear for good once your baby's born and you're no longer breastfeeding (if you do).
Curing constipation

Constipation is an all-too-common first trimester pregnancy symptom. What can you do about it? First, steer clear of foods that'll clog up the works like refined white breads, rice and pasta. Second, fixate on fiber: Choose whole grains, like fiber-rich cereals, and fresh fruit, like kiwis — a fine, furry friend to those who are constipated.

Dried fruit, too, is a great option. Beyond that geriatric favorite, prunes, try all your favorite fruits dried — apricots, peaches, pears, apples, blueberries, cherries…you name it! Or, choose raw or lightly cooked vegetables and nuts and seeds.

Third, wash that fiber down — and through your system — with plenty of fluids, particularly water and juice. If you close your eyes, V8 tastes just like champagne! Well, sort of.

And finally, remember that getting moving can keep things moving — another good reason to put exercise on the agenda. If the situation doesn't improve in a couple of days, swallow your pride and call your practitioner, who may have a few special tricks up that white-coated sleeve. Don't use any over-the-counter remedies without consulting your doctor first.
Pregnancy Symptoms Week 10
Nausea and vomiting
Food cravings and aversions
Heartburn and indigestion
Bloating and gas
Increased vaginal discharge
Occasional headaches
Faintness or dizziness
Visible veins
Round ligament pain
Tips for You This Week
Take the ride in stride

Crying uncontrollably one minute, laughing hysterically the next? These emotional highs and lows are par for the pregnancy course.

Mood swings are mostly felt during the first trimester, with a second trimester break. But be forewarned: They often return for the last few months of pregnancy.
Avoid triggering smells

Thanks to a much more sensitive sense of smell, you may find once-appetizing aromas suddenly offensive — and offensive ones downright sickening.

So stay away from any smells that trigger nausea as much as possible — whether it | s the sausage and eggs your partner likes to make on the weekends or the cologne or perfume that used to make you head over heels but now makes you head for the toilet.

Steer clear, too, of foods that you can | t stand the sight of. Raw chicken, for example, is a common culprit.
Ask your doc about the COVID-19 vaccine

When you | re pregnant, you | re at an increased risk for complications from COVID-19, so it | s smart to practice social distancing and wear a face mask in public, especially when you | re inside.

You may also want to be vaccinated with the COVID-19 shot, which is currently available to all adults, including pregnant people.

Experts say that the mRNA vaccines from Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna as well as the viral vector vaccine from Johnson & Johnson are unlikely to pose any harm to an unborn baby — and note that the risks of getting COVID-19 while pregnant are likely to be higher than the potential risks of getting the vaccine.

Ultimately, however, the decision is a personal one. Talk to your doctor if you have any questions.
Add mangoes to your plate

All fruits are good for you, but mangoes are particularly great for the pregnant set. They contain more vitamins A and C bite-for-delicious-bite than a salad.

This tropical favorite, also packed with potassium, is especially versatile — a perfect complement to sweet and savory dishes. Blend it into smoothies or soups, chop it up in salsas or relishes, or simply scoop and enjoy.
Photograph your bump

Is your pregnant belly ready for its close-up? Someday you'll enjoy looking at pictures or videos of your baby bump — and so will your child.

Once a month, document your changing figure and wear an outfit that lets your shape shine. Start now, before you really start to expand, and take photos regularly until you deliver. Once you're done, create a pregnancy album — you'll be glad you did.
Know that fatigue is normal

Are your two favorite pastimes sitting and lying down? Pregnancy fatigue is normal. That's because you're running a baby-making factory that's in business 24/7, causing your pregnant body to work harder at rest than your non-pregnant body did on the run.

And for the next few weeks, a baby's not the only thing in production — so is the placenta, the magnificently complex mission control that will serve as your baby's life support system until delivery. The result? You feel tired and overworked, even when you | re not doing a darn thing.

Your energy should return once the placenta's up and running and your system adjusts as best as it can to the hormonal changes of pregnancy — probably early in the second trimester.

In the meantime, keep your blood-sugar levels up with frequent snacks of complex carbs and protein, like cheese and crackers or nuts and dried fruit. Or try a little exercise, which can actually give you an energy boost. Most of all — listen to your body. When it calls for a break, take one.
Eat a healthy breakfast

If you haven't already, it's a fine time to get into the habit of eating breakfast and including two breakfast foods that are especially good for your pregnant body and baby-building: oatmeal and DHA-enriched eggs.

Oats are full of fiber, B vitamins, iron and a host of other good-for-you-minerals. Fill your breakfast bowl with them, but don't stop there. Add oats — and all their nutritional superpowers — to pancakes and muffins (and cakes, cookies and even meatloaf).

If you're eating eggs, that's great. The old egg is still a good egg, delivering a low-calorie, high-protein punch in a tasty little bundle.

But you can boost the nutritional value by scrambling, frying or boiling ones enriched with DHA, a type of omega-3 fatty acid and "good fat." It's a primary component of the brain and retina and is essential for brain development and eye formation in the fetus.

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