12 week ultrasound girl vs boy?pregnancytips.in

Posted on Thu 23rd Aug 2018 : 17:47

How Nub Theory can predict baby gender from 12 weeks scan

Are you pregnant, and you are both excited and curious to know if it is a baby boy or a sweet little princess on the way? Nub theory is now helping expecting mothers and parents to find out about the gender of their child.

In case this is the first time you have heard about the Nub Theory, this article will give you insight into how it works.
What is Nub Theory?

The nub theory is a medical method used by professional healthcare physicians to get an early prediction of your baby's gender from an ultrasound. The term nub theory came from the analysis of the "Nub." A Nub is also known as a genital tubercle, i.e., your child's indeterminate sexual organ.
Genital nub example on a fetal ultrasound

This genital tubercle of your child will grow into a penis or a clitoris defining their gender. Mostly, you can see it happening during the second trimester of your pregnancy. Ask your physician about it if you're expecting to go in for your 20 weeks' autonomy scan.

That said, if you are in the earlier stages of your pregnancy, the Nub will look the same in shape and/or size whether your baby is a boy or a girl.
The Difference between the Genders

Are you wondering how you can tell if it is a boy or a girl in a scan? The answer is simple, i.e., a boy's Nub will be pointing out in a different direction than a girl's Nub.

If you are expecting a baby boy, the Nub will angle upwards. On the other hand, if you are going to have a girl, the Nub will lie down flatter. Hence, another un-formal yet witty term used for nub theory is "the angle of the dangle" that reveals if the fetus inside you is a boy or a girl.
Variation of the Angle of the Dangle

The nub theory relies on analyzing the angle between your baby's spine and the Nub. Here is a short description of the variation.

It's a boy! - if the Nub forms a 30-degree angle or more in relation to the spine.
It's a girl! – If the Nub is pointing straight out, forming an angle under 30 degrees in relation to the spine.

The nub theory applied to a girl nub
The nub theory applied to a boy nub
Is Nub Theory Reliable to Determine Your Baby's Gender?

The nub theory first appeared back in 1989. Since then the several scientific studies in 1999, 2006, and 2012 have evaluated the accuracy of the method.

That said, the average reliability of the nub theory currently stands at more than 90 percent. However, it depends on the following conditions.

You must get a scan after 12 weeks of your initial pregnancy diagnosis. This is also 14 weeks since your last menstruations.
The fetus size must be greater than 60mm
The ultrasound image must reveal the entire Nub

Although, the method is not 100 percent reliable if you get an ultrasound before 12 weeks of pregnancy. Why? Because the Nub will not be clearly visible until the 12th week so hold your horse and let the thing come out of its shell.

It is imperative for you to know that the nub theory prediction's accuracy rate will highly depend on the expertise of the physician or healthcare professional.

According to an ultrasound technician, she only got the gender wrong once in her 25-year career. (Unfortunately for her, it was her best friend's baby, so she will never escape that party joke).

Some healthcare technicians and professionals even admit not to dare reveal the prediction because they are not too confident about the nub theory. This is why BABYGRAM experts have to take a test to check their abilities and experience to provide reliable predictions for expecting mothers.
It Can Be Tricky to Predict the Gender

Sometimes the nub theory struggles to predict the gender of your baby. This is when the Nub shows two different angles in different positions. One picture of the baby's fetus may show a nub of a boy, whereas a picture taken from a different position may suggest it to be of a girl.
Partial view of a boy's genital nub
Partial view of a girl's genital nub

Same baby, two nubs! Yes, a girl and a boy can have a nub of the same appearance! See the examples below, which are great classics of cases that are very difficult to identify.
Nub theory can be wrong: different-looking nubs for the same baby girl
Limits of the nub theory: same-looking nubs but different genders

What's more, you cannot even see the Nub at all, or its appearance is of no particular gender, as shown in the photos below.

Boy or girl? Predicting the sex in such cases is a 50/50 game at best.
Limits of the nub theory: unclear examples of baby nubs

You must also remember that a nub analysis before 12 weeks of pregnancy, especially for fetuses smaller than 60mm, may be inaccurate. A flat nub indicating a girl may rise after 12 weeks of pregnancy and finally show a boy!
How BABYGRAM Can Offer the Most Reliable Baby Gender Prediction Online

BABYGRAM can give you a reliable prediction of your baby's gender. Experts at BABYGRAM use the nub theory to thoroughly analyze your ultrasound and prove 99 percent accurate results on your baby's gender.
What if you cannot see the Nub?

No worries, at BABYGRAM, we use a unique technology to compare your ultrasound with over 10,000 reference images to deduce the gender of your unborn baby. In Such cases, BABYGRAM has a track record of providing a reliable prediction of 85 percent accuracy from just nine weeks of pregnancy.

Our Artificial Intelligence algorithm, the foundation of the technology at BABYGRAM, is currently with reputable scientific journals. After a peer review, it will be up for publication in the coming future.

Are you excited about discovering your baby's gender? Learn more about our method, or order your ultrasound analysis now for just €14.90 !

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