13 weeks pregnant ultrasound?pregnancytips.in

Posted on Sun 15th Mar 2020 : 17:14

Pregnancy Week by Week


Baby is as big as a lemon
27 Weeks to Go!
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ByThe Bump Editors
June 8, 2022
13 Weeks Pregnant

Key Takeaways at 13 Weeks Pregnant

Good news: You should hopefully start feeling more like yourself soon, as you enter your second trimester. The initial pregnancy exhaustion may fade and the nausea might too! The honeymoon phase of pregnancy is approaching, meaning you might get a burst of energy for a few weeks.
You might have a 13-week ultrasound or possible non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT), which looks for chromosomal abnormalities. Baby | s sex might be detectable at this point too—but not guarntees.

The end of week 13 is the end of the first trimester! We | re not just talking about getting through those work meetings without falling asleep (or puking), we | re talking about how you | re now 1/3rd of the way through your pregnancy! At 13 weeks pregnant, you | ve grown a fetus that has vocal cords, teeth and even fingerprints (wow!), and you | ve probably kept this incredible news (mostly) secret while wishing you could shout it from the rooftops—or, at the very least, use it as an excuse for getting to work late.
Watch Week 13 Highlights

Baby at 13 Weeks

That little cutie of yourses is growing fast as you approach the second trimester. Here | s what you can expect.
How big is baby at 13 weeks?

At 13 weeks, baby is as big as a lemon. Your 13-week fetus is about 2.9 inches long and weighs about .81 ounces, and proportion-wise, their head is now about 1/3 the size of the body instead of 1/2.
13 weeks pregnant is how many months?

At 13 weeks pregnant, you're three months pregnant, although doctors track pregnancy by week, not month. This is the last week of the first trimester. (We can | t say it enough because it | s so great to be here!)
13 week ultrasound

A 13-week ultrasound could detect baby | s sex, but since it can be pretty tough to make out little boy or girl parts, your doctor will probably wait until the mid-pregnancy ultrasound (around 18 to 22 weeks), when it will be much more obvious, to look and see whether you | re having a girl or a boy.

If you | ve chosen to have prenatal cell-free DNA testing, also known as non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT), to screen for chromosomal abnormalities, you | ll be able to find out the sex when you get your results. Hey, at 13 weeks, you may already know! Oh boy! (Or girl!)
3D Views: My Baby, My Body

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Pregnancy Symptoms at Week 13

You might notice that around 13 weeks pregnant, your symptoms change a bit. You might actually be able to get through the day without nausea (if not now, soon) or feeling the need to nap. But you may be experiencing a few of these 13 weeks pregnant symptoms too:
Visible veins

You can see all those blue streaks and spider veins under your skin because you have increased blood flow.
Increase in energy

The second trimester is known as the least symptomatic and the most energetic. As you start to feel more like yourself and get that energy surge, you | re going to want to knock a bunch of to-dos off your list. Also, if you | ve found yourself too sick and tired to exercise lately, now | s the time to get back to a fitness routine. Exercise will only benefit you and baby and can even make labor easier. Worth it!
Increased sex drive

If you | re one of those lucky pregnant women who feels up for a roll in the hay at 13 weeks, enjoy! You may notice a bit of post-coital spotting during pregnancy at 13 weeks. A little spotting is normal simply because your cervix is more sensitive. But heavy bleeding (like a period) isn | t, so call your doctor if it | s more like a flow. Otherwise, you and your partner can use your increased sex drive to enjoy some together time before baby arrives!

Sorry, twin moms-to-be. If you | re 13 weeks pregnant with twins, you might still be experiencing some morning sickness and fatigue. That | s because twin moms can have more of the pregnancy hormone hCG in their systems. If your nausea and vomiting is super severe, definitely bring it up to your OB. If you | re able to hold down food and liquids but you | re still feeling ill, just wait it out a little longer.
What should I expect at 13 weeks pregnant?

At 13 weeks pregnant, you | re turning the corner and may even feel like a new woman after a first trimester of morning sickness, fatigue and other issues. You may experience 13 weeks pregnant symptoms, as well as some indigestion, achiness and tiredness that | s typical in the first trimester. Expect to feel a lot more at ease in the second trimester!

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