14 weeks pregnant ultrasound?pregnancytips.in

Posted on Thu 20th Dec 2018 : 00:12

Pregnancy Week by Week

14 Weeks Pregnant

Welcome to the second trimester! 14 weeks pregnant marks a lot of changes—you might be feeling less nauseated, hungrier and more energetic. That | s because you | re embarking on what | s known as the “honeymoon phase” of pregnancy. Starting with pregnancy week 14, the second trimester is the time to get some exercise, get some to-do | s done and have some fun. Enjoy!

How Big Is Baby at 14 Weeks?

At 14 weeks pregnant, baby is as big as a peach, measuring 3.4 inches and weighing in at 1.5 ounces. Baby has almost doubled in weight in the last week or so and keeps on growing at super-speed at week 14.

14 Weeks Pregnant Is How Many Months?

Many people think of pregnancy as lasting nine months, but it | s really 40 weeks long—which is why most doctors track your progress by week, not month. That said, 14 weeks pregnant means you have three months of pregnancy completed in the books and are at the beginning of your second trimester.
3D Views: My Baby, My Body

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14 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms

At 14 weeks pregnant, symptoms you felt in the first trimester might be fading. But don | t be surprised if they don | t vanish right away. Be patient and take it easy! Here are some new pregnancy symptoms you may be feeling at 14 weeks:

Round ligament pain. Yowch! You're probably feeling some aches and pains as your muscles and ligaments stretch to accommodate your growing baby. At 14 weeks pregnant, cramps are often because of round ligament pain, but if you have any concerns, talk to your doctor.
Increased energy. As you emerge from the nasties of the first trimester, you're probably getting your energy back. (#ThankGoodness) Keep the good feelings going with natural energy boosters.
Increased appetite. Tummy | s rumbling? Once morning sickness starts to go away, you might find your appetite in overdrive. Remember that what you eat is fueling baby | s rapid growth. You should aim to eat about 300 extra calories per day. If you | re 14 weeks pregnant with twins, you | ll want to eat about 680 extra calories per day now that you | re in your second trimester. Keep plenty of healthy snacks by your side just in case you get the munchies. It | s important—for you and for baby—that you don | t indulge in too many greasy, fatty foods, so you | re both getting the right nutrients. (Of course, the occasional bowl of ice cream is totally okay.)
Thicker, shinier hair. You might notice your hair getting thicker and shinier, one of the (many!) attractive side effects of pregnancy.

What should I expect at 14 weeks pregnant?

Energy and appetite aren | t the only things popping. Your adorable belly bump has probably debuted by now and will continue to grow as your uterus and baby take up more room. Your breasts also continue to grow and prepare for breastfeeding. As you hit your second trimester groove, you may feel you | re starting to settle into being pregnant. Take the time to enjoy it—and get things done!
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14 Weeks Pregnant Belly

Your 14-week pregnant belly might be feeling achy and sore, but that | s simply because your uterus is expanding to accommodate your rapidly growing baby. Don | t be surprised if weight gain starts to speed up at 14 weeks pregnant. If you started out at a normal BMI, doctors recommend you gain about one pound per week starting at 14 weeks pregnant. If you | re 14 weeks pregnant with twins, your weight gain goal will be about the same as singleton moms until week 20, when you should start gaining a bit more. Of course, if you started out underweight or with a high BMI—or if you lost or gained a significant amount of weight in the first trimester—your doctor might recommend a slightly different weight gain goal.

If you found yourself shying away from exercise during trimester one, now that you have your energy back, it | s time to get back on track. Consider taking a prenatal yoga class or simply get out for a walk. Exercise is great for a 14-week fetus!
Can you feel baby at 14 weeks?

Feeling baby | s first kick or roll is magical! This usually happens anytime between 16 and 22 weeks, but the timing can be different for each woman. If you | ve already had a baby, you may be able to sense movement earlier. Whenever it happens, prepare for an amazing experience!

14 Weeks Pregnant Ultrasound

Typically, there isn | t a 14-week ultrasound. You likely had an ultrasound in your first trimester and won | t have one again until the anatomy scan (aka the mid-pregnancy ultrasound), which usually happens between weeks 18 and 22. The doctor will also use an ultrasound if you plan to have an amniocentesis (between weeks 15 and 20). At an ultrasound for a 14-week fetus, baby | s sex might be difficult to make out. Be patient! If you want to find out if you | re having a boy or a girl, you will likely be able to find out in just a few weeks at the anatomy scan.
What does baby do in the womb at 14 Weeks?

If you were to get a glimpse of baby at 14 weeks pregnant, you would see they | re wiggling their toes and may even be thumb-sucking! A 14-week fetus | s kidneys are making urine, and the liver and spleen are doing their jobs too. You might be surprised to learn that baby at 14 weeks is growing lanugo, a thin, peach fuzz-like hair all over, which will help keep the body warm. Don | t forget to whisper sweet nothings to your little one—baby can start to hear!

Tips for 14 Weeks Pregnant

Prevent sinus infections
It | s not allergies—you may be more likely to get nasal congestion while pregnant. A warm compress gently applied to your face may help, as well as moisture from humidifiers or drinking plenty of water to loosen mucus.

Cure constipation
Don | t let this common pregnancy symptom give you any trouble. Fiber-rich foods (fresh produce, whole grains), lots of water and regular exercise are all effective preventive measures against constipation.

Keep an eye on any moles
Hormones may change the appearance of any skin moles you have. It | s usually nothing to worry about, but you may want a dermatologist to check them if they become asymmetric, change color, develop an irregular border, grow larger than the size of a pencil eraser or look like they | re rising on the skin | s surface.

Pregnancy Checklist at 14 Weeks Pregnant

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