8 months pregnant baby movement hurts?pregnancytips.in

Posted on Thu 3rd Oct 2019 : 19:31

Is it normal for it to hurt when my baby moves?

Yes, many women experience some pain or discomfort when their baby moves. If it only happens when your baby | s moving, it | s unlikely to be a sign that anything is wrong.

If the pain doesn | t go away when your baby stops moving, if it's severe, or if you have any other symptoms, call your GP or midwife straight away.

During your second trimester, you may start to feel pain or discomfort in your ribs, tummy or vagina when your baby wriggles around. This is because his growing muscles are becoming stronger, making his movements more powerful.

The pain may feel a bit like a stitch, or it could be individual sharp, stabbing pains. Some mums call these pains in their vagina "fanny daggers" because they are so sharp. It can also seem as if he's practising acrobatics, which can feel a bit uncomfortable and strange!

What you feel will depend on where your baby is and how he's moving. But rest assured that all these sensations are perfectly normal.

Your baby will have less room as you near the end of your pregnancy but he will still move around just as much. So if you start to feel every little movement, you aren't alone. Most mums will experience a sharp kick in the ribs or a sudden jab in the tummy at some point. Luckily, this stage won't last long.

If your baby stays in the same position for a while, you may find that it makes a particular area of your body sore or uncomfortable. If this happens, lying on your side may help to relieve the pressure.

Alternatively, try kneeling on all fours several times throughout the day for a few minutes at a time. This may encourage your baby to move to a different position.

Try to remember that every pregnancy is different. Don't worry if your friends seem to be feeling less discomfort than you, or if you feel kicks more strongly than you did in a previous pregnancy. Instead, get to know your baby's own unique pattern of movements to learn what's normal for you.

Although continual wriggles and kicks can be distressing, they aren't usually a sign that something's wrong. In fact, your baby's movements may actually be a sign that he's doing well.

If you have any concerns about your baby's movements, you can always discuss them with your midwife. Either bring it up at your next antenatal appointment, or just give her a call if you're really concerned. She should be able to reassure you that everything's normal.

Learn how to get relief from late-pregnancy aches and pains, and find out what types of pain relief are safe to use.
Lorna Marsh
Lorna Marsh
Lorna Marsh is senior editor at BabyCentre. She has more than 20 years | journalism and editing experience, including working for the NHS.

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