Antenatal exercise ppt?

Posted on Fri 14th May 2021 : 07:02

Antenatal Exercises

It is a planed examination and observation for the woman from conception till the birth .


Antenatal care refers to the care that is given to an expected mother from time of conception is confirmed until the beginning of labor
Goals of antenatal care

To reduce maternal and perinatal mortality and morbidity rates.
To improve the physical and mental health of women and children.
To prepare the woman for labor, lactation, and care of her infant.
To detect early and treat properly complicated conditions that could endanger the life or impair the health of the mother or the fetus.


To develop a good posture.
To reduce constipation & insomnia.
To alleviate discomfortable, postural back ache& fatigue.
To ensure good muscles tone& strength pelvic supports.
To develop good breathing habits, ensure good oxygen supply to the fetus.
To prevent circulatory stasis in lower extremities, promote circulation, lessen the possibility of venous thrombosis

Guide lines for exercises during pregnancy

Maintain adequate fluid intake.
Warm up slowly, use stretching exercises but avoid over stretching to prevent injury to ligaments.
Avoid jerking or bouncing exercises.
Be careful of loose throw rugs that could slip& cause injury.
Exercises on regular basis (three times per week).
After first trimester, avoid exercises that require supine position.


Vaginal bleeding.
Sever anemia.
History of preterm labor,
Extreme over or under weight.
Hypertension, heart, lung, thyroid diseases

1st Trimester Exercises(1 to 12 weeks)

Deep breathing exercises
Relaxation exercises
Postural correction
Core muscle strengthening
Pelvic bridging, tilting, rolling
SLR 30-40 degrees
Alternate arm and leg raise
Kegels exercise
Antenatal education

2nd Trimester Exercises(13 to 26 weeks)

Deep breathing exercises
Relaxation techniques
Stretching calf & hamstring
Gluteus isometrics
Quadriceps isometrics
Side SLR
Low back stretch
Walk (Brisk)
Tailor sitting (6th month
Labor education

3rd Trimester Exercises (27 to 40 weeks)

We should decrease the exercises
Kegels exercises
Walking for 30-40 mins
Tailor sitting .

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