Can a pregnant woman eat salad?

Posted on Mon 10th Oct 2022 : 15:08

Yes you can eat raw salads during pregnancy provided they are fresh and properly washed.Salads of all kinds are safe to enjoy while pregnant.

When pregnant, there are some salads that you can look forward to that are safe and healthy for you:
1. Meat and Seafood Salads

No, we don’t mean that you can add raw fish, raw eggs, smoked fish, cold cut meats, and seafood high in mercury in your salads. Anything raw, and anything from the sea which is high in mercury, is unsafe to consume during your pregnancy. When making a meat salad, make sure that meat is cooked to perfection. You can include cooked turkey, cooked chicken, or salmon in salads to meet your daily dose of protein in pregnancy. You can also go for light canned tuna chunks, as these are low in mercury. However, take a dietitian’s opinion before including this in your diet.

2. Garden Salads

When you are pregnant, you will need more iron and folate in your diet, so go for lettuce and spinach to make some healthy pregnancy-friendly salads.

3. Fruit Salads

Fruit salads are a safe and delicious choice as they are sweet, juicy, and packed with vitamins. A fruit salad is generally safe to consume when you are pregnant, but be careful not to include fruits that are not advisable to consume during pregnancy. For toppings, stay away from anything that is high in sugar, such as whipped cream. You can opt for yoghurt instead.

4. Bean and Grain Salads

A bean salad made with boiled and cooked beans is a good source of protein and iron. You can include pasta or whole grains to your bean salad, or make it more scrumptious by adding sweet potatoes, capsicum, and corn. Most pasta salad recipes require eggs, so either use a substitute, or make sure the eggs are cooked thoroughly.

5. Paneer Salads

Cheese is a great addition to a salad, but using the soft, imported cheese may be harmful, as it may contain listeria that can cause a miscarriage. Paneer is a safer choice when it comes to making salads with cheese!

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