How many eggs left at 40?

Posted on Sat 8th Oct 2022 : 10:30

How many eggs remain in your 40s

So you’ve hit 40. There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to how many eggs you have left. What’s more, certain factors — like smoking — may mean you have fewer than another person.

Research has shown that the average woman has less than a 5 percent chance of getting pregnant per menstrual cycle.

Plus, the average age of menopause in the United States is 51. Some will reach menopause earlier and some will reach it later.

Crunch those numbers and you see that when only 25,000 eggs are left in the ovaries (around age 37), you have about 15 years until you reach menopause, on average. At menopause, you have fewer than 100 eggs left. Some people will approach menopause earlier, and some will reach it later.

After the rapid decline in egg count starting around age 37, by the time a woman hits 40, their ovarian reserve is often estimated to be around 5-10,000.

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