ayurvedic treatment for ivf?pregnancytips.in

Posted on Thu 13th Jan 2022 : 15:47

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April 30, 2021 2448

Nothing is more upsetting for a patient or a caring gynecologist than experiencing chronic IVF failure or frequent pregnancy loss after IVF.

It is also not an easy task to counsel couples who have made one or more attempts to keep trying over and over. In Ayurvedic treatment, a solution can be found here.

Ayurveda creates new hope after the IVF failure with its medications, diet and lifestyle changes, and Panchakarma. Ayurvedic therapy improves the success rates of IUI, IVF, and ICSI-ET, as well as increasing natural design chances by reason of infertility.
What is Infertility?

• Infertility is described as the inability to conceive after one year of unprotected coitus or the failure to bring a pregnancy to term.

• Infertility can be caused by a variety of factors, including tubal blockage, PID, Endometriosis, PCOD in women, and low sperm count and motility in men.

• Test tube babies are recommended when there is a serious tubal disease, severe egg factors, unsuccessful IUI therapies, severe malefactors, unexplained infertility, and grade III and IV endometriosis.
In-Vitro Fertilization Overview

In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is a laboratory technique in which processed sperm will either be placed (IVF) or injected (ICSI) into the oocyte in a Test-tube to achieve fertilization. The resulting embryos are implanted in the uterus of the woman.
What are the reasons for IVF failure?

To improve IVF failures, we should concentrate on the causes of failure.
Abnormal Embryo is one of the very primary triggers of IVF failure. An abnormal embryo may develop if either the egg or the sperm is abnormal, or if both gametes are abnormal.
Implant failure is another common cause. For implantation of an embryo, endometrium preparation and receptivity are more relevant. The endometrium should be at least 6 mm thick, ideally 8-10 mm thick.
Color Doppler can be used to find out more about endometrium preparation. More than half of pregnancies result in spontaneous miscarriage when the endometrial and sub-endometrial flow is absent on the day of embryo transfer (ET).
Poor Ovarian Response, in which little to no follicle growth is seen even after fertility injections, can cause an IVF cycle to be canceled
Pre-treatment stress is the most overlooked but crucial factor.

Ayurveda’s Hope:

“The essence of Ayurveda is that it not only cures the sick but also restores the health of the healthy.”

Ayurveda for infertility Eliteayurveda

In Ayurveda, there are several principles that should be followed when treating patients. These principles are more than just a method; they also help with recovery and fertilization.

• Seed (oocyte and sperm), soil (reproductive track), season (fertile period), and water, according to Ayurveda, are all essential for conception (nutrition).

• Ayurvedic fertility therapies help to regulate the body’s metabolism, purify reproductive organs, preserve hormonal balance, enhance endometrium lining and receptivity, improve egg and sperm efficiency, and reduce stress.

• Ayurvedic womb planning improves IUI, IVF, and ICSI-ET success rates.
Treatments for Womb Preparation
Ayurvedic medicines

Ayurvedic herbs and herbal preparations serve as a natural tonic for male and female reproductive organs.
keeping the biological clock of menstruation in check and thereby correcting hormonal imbalances.
They also aid in the production of the healthiest and most potent sperm and ovum, as well as a successful pregnancy.

Panchakarma (Detoxification)

Ayurveda can treat infertility through Panchakarma procedures such as Basti, Uttarbasti, Vaman, Virechan, and Nasya. Which use various Ayurvedic formulations depending on the cause of infertility and IVF failure, as well as the patient’s body constitution.
Basti primarily affects the vata. It boosts the reproductive organs’ durability.
Uttarbasti is a sterile medicated oil or ghee installation performed intrauterine. Endometrial receptors are affected.
Vamana and Virechana cleanse the entire body and enhance digestive fire, allowing reproductive hormones and organs to be properly nourished.
Yoniprakshalana (warm decoction irrigation of the vulva and vagina) and
Pichudharan (placement of a sterile tampoon immersed in medicated ghee or oil in the posterior fornix of the vagina) also is effective in the treatment of infertility.
According to Ayurveda, A cheerful mind forms the base for conception. So soothing panchakarma therapies are performed, such as massage, steam, head massages, Shirodhara to relieve tension and their impact on infertility treatments.


• Ayurvedic treatment does not only rely, like some other fertility treatments, on medicines.

It actually makes sure that a patient follows a strict Ayurvedic diet and avoids salty and spicy foods.

The right food will support reproductive organs to provide adequate nutrition.
Change in lifestyle:

• Infertility has now developed into a lifestyle condition.
• You can also be guided by an Ayurvedic Doctor to change your body lifestyle according to the composition and the variations of the season (Rutucharya).
• Smoking cigarettes, tobacco, and alcohol can always be prevented by reducing fertility.
• Exercise is a lifestyle inevitable element. You must learn Yogasan (e.g. Surya Namaskara, Gomukhasan, Sarvangasana, Pavanmuktasan, Naukasan, Shalabhasan etc.) as well as Pranayam from an experienced instructor.
How is infertility treated at EliteAyurveda?

There’s a solution to any problem! EliteAyurveda Fertility Center has developed various treatments and therapies for infertility, delivering real results. We are looking to have the most innovative care choices for Ayurveda pairs with our more than 10 years of experience.

Thus, if you want to know more about fertility care in Bangalore, we advise getting in touch with us today.

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