best month to conceive a baby in india?

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What is the right time to get pregnant?
TIMESOFINDIA.COM | Last updated on -Feb 15, 2021, 12:00 ISTShare fbsharetwsharepinshareComments (0)


01/5When trying to get pregnant timing is very important

When you are trying to get pregnant, timing is the key. You can do everything right in the bed to maximise your chances of conceiving, but if your timing is not in sync with your ovulation cycle then all efforts will go in vain. Each month you get a brief window to conceive and if you miss the opportunity you will have to wait until the next one. While nobody can assure when you can really get pregnant, you can increase your odds of success by making some changes in the timing and frequency of your lovemaking sessions.
02/5​The best time to get pregnant

Women are most likely to get pregnant at the most fertile point of their monthly menstrual cycle. The fertile window is normally six days- five days before ovulation and the day of ovulation. The phase is referred to as most fertile on the basis of the fact that sperm can survive in a woman's reproductive tract for 5 days and egg can be fertilised only between 12 to 24 hours after it is released from one of the ovaries. During ovulation, your ovary releases a mature egg, which travels way down the fallopian tube to the uterus. On its way to the fallopian tube, the sperm may meet it and fertilize the egg.
03/5Studies supporting this claim

According to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, a majority of pregnancies result from having sex in this period. The likelihood of conceiving is 10 per cent five days before the ovulation and 33 per cent on the day of ovulation. Surprisingly, the chances of conceiving drop to zero a day after the ovulation as the egg can only be fertilised between 12 to 24 hours after being released from the ovaries. After this one has to wait for the next ovulation cycle to try to get pregnant. In most cases, lack of knowledge about the ovulation cycle and signs of ovulation creates an obstacle in conceiving.
04/5​How to track your ovulation period

When you are planning to get pregnant, it is crucial to know about the ovulation cycle. If your period is regular it is easy to track when you are ovulating. Ovulation usually occurs about 14 days before your next period. In the case of irregular periods, it may differ from one or two days. You can easily calculate the timing based on your period or can look for physical signs of ovulation. Watery vaginal secretions and pain on one side of the pelvis are two common signs of ovulation. Several apps are also available that can help to track the ovulation cycle based on your last periods. Another way to detect if you are ovulating is by keeping a track of the basal body temperature. Women have to measure temperature first thing in the morning and then look for any fluctuation in it. A slight increase in body temperature can be a sign of ovulation.
05/5​What positions are the best?

Each time men ejaculate they release nearly 100 million sperm and unprotected sex before and on the day of ovulation could result in a pregnancy. As far as the position is concerned no particular sex position has been proven to increase the chances of women to conceive. But missionary (man on top) and doggie-style positions (the man behind) allow for deeper penetration.


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What is false pregnancy and what do you need to know about it
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What is false pregnancy and what do you need to know about it
TIMESOFINDIA.COM | Last updated on -Dec 2, 2020, 05:00 ISTShare fbsharetwsharepinshareComments (0)
01/5Here is all you need to know about false pregnancy
Here is all you need to know about false pregnancy

There are plenty of signs that can tell give expectant mom that she is pregnant even before she takes the pregnancy test. Missed period, sore breast, nausea without vomiting all are associated with the early signs of pregnancy. But in rare cases, a hopeful mom-to-be believes that she is pregnant only to find out later that the symptoms were not pregnancy related but something else. This phenomenon that women mostly experience a few times in their childbearing years is referred to as false pregnancy or phantom pregnancy.
02/5​What is a false pregnancy?
​What is a false pregnancy?

In simple terms, pseudocyesis or false pregnancy is believing that you are pregnant when in reality you are not carrying a child. In this, women experience more pronounced symptoms of pregnancy including missed periods, a growing abdomen, and even baby kicks. False pregnancy is not only common in women, but men also experience it at times. They develop similar pregnancy symptoms like their partner, including weight gain, nausea, and backache, which is referred to as couvade or sympathetic pregnancy.
03/5​Why does this happen?
​Why does this happen?

False pregnancy is not a new phenomenon, it has been there since forever. As this condition is very rare both in men and women, hence the root cause behind this occurrence is not yet known. Experts consider this as a psychosomatic condition, in which hope or belief of the couple causes the body to produce pregnancy symptoms. The psychological factors like an intense desire to get pregnant due to infertility, repeat miscarriages may trick the mind to produce such symptoms. These signals are misread by the woman's brain, which in turn triggers the release of pregnancy hormones.

In some cases, these symptoms may even be caused due to certain medical conditions. These conditions may include:

Abdominal bloating due to weight gain, gas or tumours, along with the desire to get pregnant.

Hormonal factors like pituitary tumours or ovarian/uterine cysts or growths and the desire to get pregnant.

A history of depression or mental illness

A history of pregnancy loss

A history of infertility

History of trauma, sexual abuse, or spousal abuse
04/5​Symptoms of false pregnancy
​Symptoms of false pregnancy

Women experiencing phantom pregnancy experience one or even all of the below-mentioned symptoms which are generally associated with pregnancy.

Missed period

Tender or enlarged breast

Enlarged abdominal



Weight gain

Frequent urination

Food cravings

A sensation of fetal movement
05/5​Testing false pregnancy
​Testing false pregnancy

The only way to know if someone is pregnant or is experiencing pseudocyesis is by taking a pregnancy test or ultrasound. Urine pregnancy tests mostly show negative in these circumstances, except in cases of rare cancers that produce similar hormones to pregnancy. Sometimes the doctor can even find some physical changes that generally occur during normal pregnancy like enlarged uterus and softened cervix. The most reliable method is an ultrasound that will check for the presence or absence of a developing fetus. You can visit the gynaecologist, who will evaluate your symptoms, perform a pelvic exam and abdominal ultrasound to see if you are really pregnant.

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