early pregnancy line on stomach?pregnancytips.in

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14 Subtle Signs You're Pregnant Right Now

Find out whether you need to take a pregnancy test pronto.
By Elizabeth Narins
Oct 12, 2015
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No matter how careful you are with your birth control method, it's only human to wonder every now and again if it's actually working. But you don't have to pee on a stick or call your ob-gyn every time you get a random wave of nausea or a strong burrito craving. (Again: Those things are only human.)

Instead, look for these early symptoms of pregnancy to determine whether you actually need to take a pregnancy test — or to test your patience by waiting for your next period to arrive.
1. You're nauseous.

Pregnancy causes certain hormone levels (human chorionic gonadotropin or hCG) to rise really quickly, explains Maria Sophocles, board-certified gynecologist and medical director of Women's Health Care, a private practice in Princeton, New Jersey, and a mother of four who's delivered more than 8,000 babies. These particular hormones affect digestion and make it harder for your stomach to keep food down.
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Unfortunately, the morning part of morning sickness is actually a myth — the kind of nausea linked to pregnancy can last all day, beginning no sooner than four weeks after your last period began. The good news for women who actually want to be pregnant: Nausea is sign of a normal, healthy pregnancy. (Miscarriages can occur when hCG levels stop rising — so a suddenly settled stomach could warrant a call to your doctor.)
2. You're ridiculously exhausted.

When you're pregnant, your body is basically taking on a second full-time job of growing a human inside of you — as you can imagine, that requires a whole lot of energy. So early on in pregnancy, you might experience fatigue. "It's like you get up in the morning and by 10 a.m., you just want to be sleeping," says Dr. Sophocles. "It's overwhelmingly different from anything you've experienced before."
3. Your 34B breasts are now a *~34D~*.

If your breasts suddenly balloon — and this could be your only symptom in addition to missing your period — you very well could be pregnant. Your breasts will feel a little fuller than they do right before you get your period and may be slightly more sensitive for more than a few days. The longer this lasts, the more likely you are to be pregnant.
4. You experience a mini, early period.

Also known as spotting, a light period that lasts for a couple of days (or more) could be a confusing sign you're pregnant. That's because five to 10 days after your egg and his sperm rendezvous in your fallopian tube, the fertilized egg burrows into the lining of your uterus. This could lead to light bleeding that makes you think you've got your period. Not everyone who's pregnant will spot. But everyone who is pregnant will miss their next scheduled period after spotting. So look out for the combo: spotting and a cycle that's mysteriously absent.
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5. Your areolae have changed colors.

When you're pregnant, hormones sometimes darken or widen the skin that surrounds your nipples — and it can happen within the first month of pregnancy.
6. You develop a dark vertical line below your belly button.

Known as the linea nigra, hormones could trigger this skin change, which may accompany darkening of the areolas super early in your pregnancy. (Lots of people attribute the linea alba to skin stretching — but it can actually precede a noticeable baby belly.
7. Your cheeks sort of darken.

Also knows as the "mask of pregnancy," cheek darkening can be triggered by — you guessed it — the hormonal changes that accompany pregnancy. While this usually happens later on in the pregnancy, it can sometimes kick in on the early side. (If the idea of your skin changing freaks you out more than the prospect of pregnancy, relax: This usually goes away on its own. And if it doesn't, laser treatment can easily erase it after you give birth.)
8. You have the world's weirdest food cravings.

One way Dr. Sophocles knew she was pregnant? She developed a strange and specific craving for an egg-white omelet with pesto and blue cheese — a fairly random combo by any count. Experts don't entirely understand why pregnant women experience food cravings. But anecdotally, Dr. Sophocles says pregnant women report them often — even early on.
9. You develop insane food aversions.

Pregnancy can heighten your sense of smell to the point where you might vomit if your partner opens up a jar of a mayo — something that never offended you in the slightest. "They're so real," Dr. Sophocles says of food aversions. They can happen as few as four weeks into your pregnancy.
10. You develop some serious cramps.

Menstrual-type cramping happens but your period doesn't? It's probably time to pee on that stick. While some women feel cramping daily throughout their pregnancies, others feel it only once. (Note for women who are hoping to get pregnant and stay that way: Severe cramping followed by spotting could be an early sign of miscarriage, so definitely call your health care provider if this sounds familiar.)
11. Your sex drive has seriously disappeared.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, you're likely to feel exhaustion and nausea, which can suck the desire to have sex right out of you. While this has nothing to with hormone levels so far as researchers can tell, your sex drive can return by the second trimester when you're feeling less sick, and wane again toward the end of the third trimester when moving becomes cumbersome.
12. Your weight hasn't changed in the slightest.

While many women think you gain weight consistently throughout a pregnancy, that's not the case: Weight gain is almost never the first sign of pregnancy, Dr. Sophocles says.
13. You could literally eat a cow right now.

Because pregnancy hormones throw off your digestive system and make it difficult to keep food down, while your body craves calories to fuel the effort it takes to grow a baby, newly pregnant women can be hungry all the time.
14. Your vision is a little blurry.

While Dr. Sophocles warns that this side effect is fairly rare, some women say their vision changes for the worse when they become pregnant. If things get fuzzy and your period is late, you'd be smart to see a doctor for a proper diagnosis.

Correction: A previous version of this article said the dark vertical line below the belly button is called the linea alba. It is actually called the linea nigra.

Follow Elizabeth on Twitter and Instagram.
Elizabeth Narins Senior fitness and health editor Elizabeth Narins is a Brooklyn, NY-based writer and a former senior editor at Cosmopolitan.com, where she wrote about fitness, health, and more.
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