list of scans during pregnancy india?

Posted on Thu 5th Sep 2019 : 16:51

why are scans needed during pregnancy?

Scans are an essential part of any pregnancy to determine the estimated due date, well-being of the fetus and ensure the baby | s health condition. Scans in pregnancy are the best way to terminate it in case of developmental issues or during miscarriages of the fetus. If the pregnancy has no risks involved, a regular scan is scheduled at intervals to check the baby | s size, weight, and position and determine if more than one baby is developing in the uterus.
what is the list of scans during pregnancy?

The most intimidating question for new expecting women is how many scans in pregnancy are there totally and the names of scans during pregnancy. The most important ones, along with the optional ones, are elaborated on below.
Viability Scan

This is the early scan done to confirm pregnancy and provide the estimated due date and heartbeat. This is done between 8-14 weeks, and the sonographer will measure the baby to calculate its age. This initial scan checks whether the baby is growing in the right place and verifying more than one fetus.
Nuchal Translucency Scan

This scan is performed between 10-14 weeks and checks the baby | s growth and development. Here the sonographer will determine nuchal translucency by measuring the fluid at the back of the baby | s neck. This helps one assess the risk of various conditions like Down | s, Edward | s or Patau | s syndrome. It can involve blood tests also for further analysis.
Reassurance Scan

A reassurance scan is an optional one suggested for anxious parents facing a high-risk pregnancy or any other complication. It is done if the expecting mother has bleeding or other health issues.
Gender Scan

Parents who want to know the sex of the baby will opt for this scan around the 14th week and can happen till the 20th week. These are not 100% accurate and may give false results too. In certain countries, this scan is illegal and not strictly performed. Strictly NO for this Scan.
Anomaly Scan

An anomaly scan is done around the 20th week to measure the baby and check its brain, heart, spine, bowel and limb structures for any abnormalities. This is performed to determine the functionality of the placenta, amount of amniotic fluid and performance of the umbilical cord.
Cervical Scan

This is an extra transvaginal scan used to measure the length of the cervix. It is done on patients who are expected to deliver early or at premature birth risk.
3D Scan

This shows the real-life image and is done between 26-30 weeks. It allows the sonographer to determine the exact width, height and depth of the baby. The external body images of the baby are obvious in this, which event captures its facial features.
4D Scan

4D ultrasound scans offer a moving video instead of still images and capture the shadows and highlights. The baby | s face and movements are well displayed through this.
what is an ultrasound scan and usg test?

Ultrasound scans make use of sound waves to create an image of the baby in the womb. These are non-invasive and hence painless, with no side effects to both the baby and the mother. It can be done at any stage of pregnancy, and this particular scan is considered a happy event in most cases to bond with the developing baby when there are no pregnancy risks involved.

Capable and trained sonographers do ultrasound scans during pregnancy in India in a dim room to get clear baby images. With gel on the tummy and a probe over it, the machine will capture pictures of the baby. The sonographer notes the baby | s head and abdominal circumference, femur or thigh bone, and humerus or arm bone measures in every ultrasound scan.

Meanwhile, a USG test is done with the help of high-frequency sound waves to scan the internal organs of the woman | s abdomen, uterus, pelvic activity, fetus development and placenta positioning.
what is a tiffa scan?

A Tiffa scan is an anomaly scan done during the second trimester to determine the position of the placenta and see whether the baby is developing as per the growth rate without any physical abnormalities. This can also give information on how the baby | s internal organs are functioning and growing. A Tiffa scan helps to estimate the amount of amniotic fluid, blood flow to the uterus, chromosomal abnormalities, and to detect other congenital disabilities.

A Tiffa Scan is yet another ultrasound scan, but in certain circumstances, the gynecologist will want to know more about the mother | s cervix, and in such cases, a transvaginal scan will be done, which helps to assess the fetal abnormalities better. A Tiffa scan is essential during pregnancy as it rules out the cleft lip, ensures good bone development and spine health, determines brain size and growth, analyses the abdominal organ conditions, etc. Most importantly, it checks the heartbeat with the size of the heart chambers and heart development.
how portea helps with scans during pregnancy?

Portea offers help during pregnancy for all expecting mothers with a lot of care and attention. They guide their entire pregnancy journey by educating them on the list of scans during pregnancy in India. Portea also makes it very clear with the essential and optional ones here. Most new mothers are inquisitive and unaware of how many scans during pregnancy in India are usually performed. Portea not only provides them with the necessary information but also offers them the best leads.

Furthermore, there are other plans for mother care with both prenatal and postnatal care. Portea organizes counselling for emotional health and breastfeeding lessons during prenatal and postnatal care at the most affordable rates. We make efforts to prepare the new mother for her next phase of life right during her pregnancy. Handling baby sessions are the most opted session amongst all as it is the much needed one where mothers learn various new techniques on how to get through parenting effortlessly.

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