pregnancy week by week pictures?

Posted on Fri 30th Jul 2021 : 00:52

Pregnancy Week by Week
cross section of the female belly in the 40th week of pregnancy

Looking for a week-by-week guide to pregnancy? You're in luck! We've got loads of expert-approved info about each week and trimester, including what's up with your growing baby and what changes to expect for yourself.

You'll find stunning fetal development videos, thousands of articles, and helpful tools like our Due Date Calculator and Baby Names Finder. Meet other parents-to-be in our online community, and get all of this and more in our free pregnancy app. Dive in, and congratulations!
First Trimester
Second Trimester
Third Trimester
First Trimester

After fertilization and implantation, a baby is at first just an embryo: two layers of cells from which all the organs and body parts will develop. Growing quickly, your baby is soon about the size of a kidney bean and constantly moving. The heart is beating quickly and the intestines are forming. Your budding son or daughter's earlobes, eyelids, mouth, and nose are also taking shape.
2 weeks pregnant
It's a potentially life-changing week. You'll ovulate, and if egg meets sperm, you'll be on your way to pregnancy!
3 weeks pregnant
Your baby is a tiny ball – called a blastocyst – made up of several hundred cells that are multiplying quickly.
embryo at 4 weeks
4 weeks pregnant
Deep in your uterus, your baby is an embryo made up of two layers, and your primitive placenta is developing.
embryo at 5 weeks
5 weeks pregnant
Your tiny embryo is growing like crazy, and you may be noticing pregnancy discomforts like sore breasts and fatigue.
embryo at 6 weeks
6 weeks pregnant
Your baby's nose, mouth, and ears are beginning to take shape. You may be having morning sickness and spotting.
embryo at 7 weeks
7 weeks pregnant
Your baby – still an embryo with a small tail – is forming hands and feet. Your uterus has doubled in size.
baby in utero at 8 weeks
8 weeks pregnant
Your baby is constantly moving, though you can't feel it. Meanwhile, you may be making decisions about prenatal tests.
baby in utero at 9 weeks
9 weeks pregnant
Nearly an inch long now, your baby is starting to look more human. You've probably noticed your waist thickening.
baby in utero at 10 weeks
10 weeks pregnant
Your baby has finished the most critical part of development! Organs and structures are in place and ready to grow.
baby in utero at 11 weeks
11 weeks pregnant
Your baby's hands will soon open and close into fists, and tiny tooth buds are appearing underneath the gums.
baby in utero at 12 weeks
12 weeks pregnant
Your little one's teeny toes can curl, her brain is growing furiously, and her kidneys are starting to excrete urine.
baby in utero at 13 weeks
13 weeks pregnant
It's the last week of the first trimester! Your baby now has exquisite fingerprints and is almost 3 inches long.

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wordpress 2 years ago 5 Answer
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