sugar pregnancy test positive vs negative pictures?

Posted on Thu 9th Apr 2020 : 19:28

Sugar Pregnancy Test – How Does It Work?

In This Article

What Is Sugar Pregnancy Test?
What Will You Need for a Home Pregnancy Test With Sugar?
How to Perform This Test
How Does the Sugar Pregnancy Test Work?
How to Interpret the Results of the Test
What Is the Best Time to Do the Sugar Pregnancy Test?
How Accurate Is the Sugar Pregnancy Test?
Many home tricks and techniques exist that can help you know whether you are pregnant or not. There | s one using a shampoo, and then there | s one more that employs using sugar to test pregnancy. These tests can be conducted at home with minimal preparation. Such tests may provide a preliminary idea of the pregnancy, but they are not as precise as a medical test is. Having said that, if you are keen on knowing if pregnancy can be tested using sugar and how, read through the article once before you speak to your medical practitioner.
What Is Sugar Pregnancy Test?

Testing for pregnancy using sugar is done with the help of simple sugar crystals and your urine. As with many other tests, it relies on the presence of the hCG hormone (human chorionic gonadotropin). It is generated by the placenta, and the presence of it is known as a conclusive sign of being pregnant.
What Will You Need for a Home Pregnancy Test With Sugar?

As mentioned earlier, you will need only three items to perform the test:

Simple white sugar that does not have any impurities.
Two sterilized and dry bowls that can be discarded after use.
Your first urine of the day.

How to Perform This Test

The test works best with the first early morning urine since it has the most chances of having a higher proportion of hCG hormone in it.

Here | s how you can perform the test:

Take a tablespoon of sugar in a sterilized bowl.
Take another bowl and collect your first-morning urine in it.
Pour one tablespoon of your urine into the bowl with the sugar.
Let it stay for 4 to 5 minutes.

So, what outcome are we expecting from the test? Read on to know more.
How Does the Sugar Pregnancy Test Work?

The most important property of sugar is its solubility. And that | s the principle based on which the pregnancy test works as well. When a woman is pregnant, her urine contains a good amount of the human chorionic gonadotropin hormone or hCG. When the first urine of a pregnant woman comes in contact with sugar crystals, the hCG hormone reacts with the sugar, preventing it from being assimilated into the fluid of the urine. Therefore, the sugar will fail to dissolve and will form clumps instead. It is highly necessary to use fresh sugar for the test and not old sugar.
How to Interpret the Results of the Test

The results of the sugar pregnancy test depend on the reaction the sugar has with the urine, and whether or not the sugar is visible in the bowl after the reaction. The test can either be positive or negative.
1. Positive Sugar Pregnancy Test

On adding urine to the sugar in the bowl, if at the end of the sugar pregnancy test, the sugar stays at the bottom, in the form of clumps, then there is a good chance that you are pregnant. This scenario is termed as a positive sugar pregnancy test. Often the clumps form within five minutes of coming into contact with the urine.
2. Negative Sugar Pregnancy Test

If on coming in contact with your urine, the sugar dissolves within no time, it indicates that your urine does not contain the hCG hormone that prevents the sugar from dissolving. Hence, it is a sign that you are not pregnant, and such a scenario is termed as a negative sugar pregnancy test.

Now you know how to conduct the sugar pregnancy test, but you must have some more questions regarding the test. In the rest of the article, we have tried to address most of them.
What Is the Best Time to Do the Sugar Pregnancy Test?

When it comes to a pregnancy test, be it homemade or with a store-bought pregnancy test kit, everything depends on the possibility of detecting the presence of hCG in your urine. hCG is the first and foremost sign that can confirm pregnancy in a woman, and that | s all that matters in the initial stages.
Bowl of sugar

Throughout the day, the urine can get contaminated or diluted with many other constituents, leading to a quantity of hCG in it, that may not be detected easily. Therefore, the best time to carry out the test is early in the morning, with a fresh sample of the first urine of the day. This has the highest chance of having hCG hormones in it, which can then be detected by the sugar. This would lead to clumping of sugar, and the chances of a clear result would increase.
How Accurate Is the Sugar Pregnancy Test?

As with any homemade pregnancy tests, there is no benchmark or rulebook that states the generalized accuracy level for sugar pregnancy tests. Most tests are quite dependent on the environmental factors, the constituents used, the hygiene levels, the presence of impurities, the time of tests, and so on.

There might be chances of the bowl not being completely clean and sterile, with impurities in it, that could drastically affect the test. If the urine is not the first fresh urine of the day, the result could vary by a large degree, causing the sugar to dissolve easily, giving you a false negative pregnancy test result.

The sugar that is being used also needs to be fresh and should have been stored properly in an airtight container. Any sugar that is not stored properly or is quite old can be extra sensitive and hygroscopic in nature. This could cause it to form lumps even before it has a chance to interact with the urine. In such a case, the visibility of lumps might prevent it from dissolving in the urine, causing you to believe that you are pregnant when, in fact, it is a false positive pregnancy test result.

Therefore, it is highly recommended that a homemade pregnancy test is reconfirmed using a professional kit after a few days, irrespective of whether you are expecting the same result or a different one.

Homemade pregnancy tests are a quick and inexpensive way to address the question in your mind related to your pregnancy. Most of the tests are fine since they do not make use of any toxic substances. However, they do not have medical approval since they depend on multiple factors. Therefore, complementing these tests with a clinically-proven pregnancy test kit is your best bet.

Pregnancy test kits

Another factor to keep in mind is the understanding of your own body and whether or not you are expecting to get pregnant. Mostly, pregnancy tests are conducted when you end up missing your period. However, there might be a chance that your periods are simply delayed due to stress and other factors in your life. But, if you are consciously trying your best to get pregnant and would like to keep checking for the results every couple of days, you can opt for this homemade pregnancy test, or better instead, go for affordable hCG strips. These are quite inexpensive compared to the usual pregnancy kits and have quite a good accuracy rate, too.

In any respect, the possibility of sugar clumping cannot be contested with the results of a pregnancy kit. Therefore, it is best to keep them only as a preliminary orientation and go for a conclusive one after a few days.

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