11 week pregnancy bump?pregnancytips.in

Posted on Tue 11th Jun 2019 : 07:48

11 weeks pregnant
Macaroon: Baby's facial bones and features are coming into the picture.

Now that you | re 11 weeks pregnant, the end of the first trimester is just on the horizon! After week 13, the 2nd trimester begins and you can generally say goodbye to the nastier effects of hCG hormones. That means a lot less morning sickness and mood swings. What | s better, the 2nd trimester is when a lot of mommies report having more energy and feeling much better than they did in the first 13 weeks, so hang in there!

At 11 weeks pregnant, your baby is now the size of a macaroon, around 1.5 inches long and weighing a fourth of an ounce. If you got a peek inside your uterus, you would see her kicking, stretching, sighing and hiccupping. She | s looking more and more like a baby every day she matures. The bones in the face are forming nicely, and the proportions of the body are starting to get closer to those of a newborn | s.
Symptoms at 11 Weeks Pregnant
For some women, nausea and mood swings have already begun to disappear by now. Another pregnancy symptom that many women experience is a dark vertical line showing up on the belly. It | s called the Linea Nigra (latin for, you guessed it, black line), and it | s caused by the same hormones that darken the areolas. Hormones do some crazy things! Fun fact: the reason pregnant mommies | nipples darken is so the newborn baby has an easier time seeing them for breastfeeding!
Baby Growth Chart

Having a blast kicking, stretching, squeezing, and practicing other general baby acrobatics

Say goodbye to webbed fingers and toes, say hello to finger and toe nails!

Genitals are slowly starting to form, but it will still be another 5-10 weeks before you know the gender
Your Body

(Most likely) on the tail end of nausea and mood swings

Some leg and body cramps

A possible appearance of a dark line on your belly

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