2 months pregnant belly pictures?pregnancytips.in

Posted on Fri 1st Nov 2019 : 17:32

What to Expect at 2 Months Pregnant

Baby bump
Fetal development
Exercise and diet
See a doctor
Bottom line

A normal response to finding out someone is pregnant is to say “Congratulations,” right? But when people find out you | re 2 months pregnant, specifically, they may be tempted to offer their condolences, because being 2 months pregnant often sucks.

Don | t take it personally. They really are happy for you. But for many, this one of the toughest stages of pregnancy, beating out:

the stage when you only want to eat hot sauce on pasta
the stage when a literal glob of mucus falls out of your cervix without warning
the stage where you have to prepare to push a watermelon-sized human out of your vagina

OK, some would argue on that last one.

We | re not trying to be all doom and gloom here. It | s just that we believe in being real — and in this case, that means telling you this month may involve a lot of unexpected vomiting, insane food cravings, is-this-normal-or-not spotting, and panic about what the entire rest of your life will be like.

Spoiler alert: You | re going to do great. Here | s what to expect at 2 months.
Symptoms at 2 months pregnant

For such a tiny little thing, your baby is certainly causing you a lot of symptoms. It may be annoying, but it | s actually totally normal. At this stage of pregnancy, you might experience:

morning sickness or persistent, all-day nausea
an increase in strong food aversions or cravings
an increase in urination
mood swings, weepiness, and fatigue
changes to your breast size
breast tenderness or soreness
excess saliva

Even though it may cause worry, it | s also normal to feel mild cramping or abdominal pain as well as spotting in early pregnancy. (We | ll get into this more in a bit, but the keyword here is “mild.”)

In fact bleeding in early pregnancy is so common that it can happen in up to 25 percent of pregnancies and does not always mean there | s a problem with your pregnancy.
Your belly at 2 months pregnant

It | s totally possible that your baby bump is already showing at 2 months, but it | s more possible that the reason you can | t button up your skinnies is because of bloating.

Your hormone levels are surging right now and that causes a lot of water retention — just like when you get all puffy before your period.

Still, you could gain about 5 pounds in the first trimester — though it | s also fine if you don | t gain any — so it | s possible your bump is actually a bump.

And if this isn | t your first rodeo/pregnancy, your previously stretched-out abdominal muscles aren | t going to be great at keeping that expanding uterus under wraps.
Fetal development at 2 months pregnant

At 2 months, baby is about the size of a raspberry. They still look a lot like an alien, but some human features are starting to develop: eyes, a nose, a mouth, and ears are growing on the outside, while important body systems — like the respiratory organs and nerves — are rapidly growing on the inside.

Your baby | s brain is making huge leaps in size, giving them a disproportionately giant noggin. (Don | t worry, it will be much more human-looking soon!)

And while their heart is beating at around 140 beats per minute, there | s a good chance you won | t be able to hear it on a Doppler machine at your OB-GYN | s office just yet. (You could, however, hear the heartbeat on an ultrasound at 8 weeks.)
Ultrasound at 2 months pregnant

Speaking of ultrasounds, your doctor could order an early one between 6 and 8 weeks of pregnancy. There are several reasons for this, ranging from serious (like a suspected ectopic pregnancy) to totally benign (like you don | t know for sure when your last period was, i.e., how far along you are).

If you do get scheduled for an early ultrasound, it will likely be transvaginal, not abdominal, since your baby is teensy.

In a healthy pregnancy, you can expect to see some cool things during a transvaginal ultrasound: the gestational sac, the yolk sac, the early shape of your baby, and their super-fast heartbeat.

If you | re earlier in your pregnancy than you expect, your baby may be too small to see or measure yet. The average gestational size at 8 weeks is about half an inch from crown to rump, or 12 millimeters.
Twins at 2 months pregnant

If you | re pregnant with twins, your babies will measure the same size as singleton babies at 2 months.

In theory, they could both be detected on an ultrasound, but because all babies at this gestational age are super small, there | s a decent chance one of the babies could hide behind the other, making it look like you only have one.

This is much more likely to happen with early ultrasounds, like those performed before 8 weeks, especially if the twins are identical and sharing the same amniotic sac.

But once you get into your second trimester, it | s pretty rare for one baby to be totally tucked away behind the other — or for an ultrasound technician to just not see an entire second baby in your uterus!
Exercise and diet at 2 months pregnant

Medical professionals will tell you that it | s important to stay healthy throughout all 9 months of your pregnancy by eating nutritious foods and exercising.

Should you try to have a healthy pregnancy? Of course! But also, it | s OK to see month two as a judgment-free zone with a free pass to live somewhat in survival mode.

Morning sickness often peaks around 8 or 9 weeks, so food may actually be one of your biggest struggles right now.

If all you can keep down are plain white bagels with cream cheese, then that is what you should eat. You need energy and strength at this point in your pregnancy more than you need leafy green vegetables and low fat dairy. (Do take your prenatal vitamin, though!)

Same goes for exercise — if there are times in the day when you aren | t nauseated, and doing some light exercise makes you feel more human, go right ahead. It | s perfectly fine to continue any pregnancy-safe exercises you were doing before you became pregnant.

There should be no expectations, though, that you | ll be doing any exercise other than getting off the couch to vomit in the privacy of your bathroom.
When to see a doctor

Remember when we said “mild” bleeding and cramping was A-OK? We | re sticking to that, but with one caveat: Let your doctor know it | s happening, even if it | s mild.

Why? Because you | re newly pregnant, which means your doctor needs to know if you | re doing things like spotting and cramping; it could be important, given your medical history.

Also, if your spotting or cramping comes with any other symptoms — like fever or difficulty urinating — that would also be cause for concern.

Other things that should prompt you to call your doc at 2 months:

severe pain in your stomach or back
bleeding that covers a panty liner or soaks a pad
severe headache
signs of a urinary tract infection

While vomiting and nausea are typical symptoms in the first trimester, you should call your doctor if you have persistent vomiting that prevents you from keeping down any food or drink at all. This could be a sign of hyperemesis gravidarum, a severe form of morning sickness that could cause dehydration and malnutrition if left untreated.
The bottom line

Being 2 months pregnant isn | t always fun: You may feel sick all the time, you could be cranky and irritable, and at times nothing will seem as appealing as crawling under the covers of your bed and staying there until it | s time to deliver your baby.

This too shall pass, and soon enough you | ll go back to eating whatever you want without puking and being able to stay awake past 7 p.m. every night.

Last medically reviewed on November 17, 2020

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