21 weeks pregnant baby weight in kg?pregnancytips.in

Posted on Tue 13th Apr 2021 : 18:38


Some women report that they feel energized at this stage of their pregnancy, we hope that | s the case for you!

You should be also feeling comfortable and coasting through this stage of the pregnancy. Relax and enjoy this stage, because the third trimester will bring with it its set of symptoms.

Upon learning the gender of the baby last week, it | s high time you and your partner start brainstorming on the name for your little one! Although you do have four months to brainstorm, it | s never too early to get that perfect name for your baby!

Oh and mummies! Do get your shopping spirit on! Be on the hunt for baby fairs and start looking out for shops to get the milk bottles, prams and nursing cot ready (and even gleaming) for the arrival of your little one!

21 weeks pregnant is how many months? 21 weeks pregnant is five months and one week pregnant.


How big is baby at 21 weeks? Your baby is the size of a carrot (including the stalk), which is about 26cm (260mm).

The current weight of your baby is about 350grams (0.35kg).


This is the weight gain that you must achieve this week.
Underweight (BMI <18.5) 0.44kg to 0.58kg
Normal weight (BMI 18.5 to 24.9) 0.39kg to 0.50kg
Overweight (BMI 25 to 29.9) 0.23kg to 0.33kg
Obese (BMI ≥ 30) 0.16kg to 0.25kg

During the second trimester, you will need to eat an extra 340 calories a day.


You | re still in the heart of the second trimester, but the symptoms will start to give you a preview of what to expect in the third trimester.

Being 21 weeks pregnant, here are some signs and symptom that your body might be experiencing:

Acne problems. Due to the increased hormones, there will be an increase in oil production in your body and this may cause the much dreaded pregnancy acne. You may be at a higher risk if you have a history of acne or experience acne flare ups at the start of your menstrual cycle. This is such a common problem that more than 50% of women experience pregnancy acne.

Stretch marks. As your belly (and baby) grows, your skin will become stretched. This will cause you to develop the inevitable stretch marks. The good news is, it should fade away after birth.

Varicose Veins. The increasing weight of the baby is putting pressure on the veins in your legs. Your body is also increasing the production of progesterone, which may exacerbate your varicose vein problems. To help alleviate this problem, exercise and prop your feet up whenever possible.

Indigestion and acid reflux. Caused by the growing belly pressing against your stomach, together with, hormonal changes, many women report feeling bloated and experience belching and a burning pain sensation in the chest. Make changes to your diet to ensure you avoid spicy and acidic foods.

Dry itchy belly. As the skin over your stretches, it gets irritated and becomes dry and itchy. Whatever you do, do not to scratch your belly but apply moisturiser to help with this problem.

If you face the problem of varicose veins, do exercise regularly and prop your feet up whenever possible.


At week 21, you should have put on about 6-7kg. Your belly isn | t too big yet, but you might be feeling fat.

Don | t worry, you | re just pregnant! Remember that all the weight you are putting on is for the good of your baby, to nourish your baby to full term.

You can now feel your baby moving inside your belly as he or she gets bigger, and remember to talk to your baby because your baby can now hear you.

The soft feelings at your belly will soon turn into full fledged kicks and punches.


Your baby | s arms and legs have grown to be proportionate, and the neurons between the muscles and the brain are now connected, which means your baby will have control over the movement of his or her limbs.

This would also mean that the small fluttering movements from the kicks and nudges will now feel more powerful.

Your baby is now drinking amniotic fluid for hydration and nutrition, which also means that the baby is also urinating. This is for the baby to practise swallowing and digesting once he or she is born.

The eyebrows and eyelids are now fully formed ready for the outside world, though the eyelids are still sealed shut.

If your child is a boy, the testes are still located in the abdomen but will drop in the upcoming weeks once the scrotum finishes developing. If your child is a girl, her vagina has begun to form and she already has about six million eggs in her womb.

Remember to ask your doctor for printouts of the ultrasound so you can show it to your child in future.


Reminders for the week:

Shortlist baby names

Look out for places (online or shops) to buy your baby things

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