32 weeks pregnant hurts to lay on left side?pregnancytips.in

Posted on Sat 6th Nov 2021 : 13:16

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Left Side Pain Symptoms
Causes of Left Side Pain
When to See the Doctor
Diagnosis of Left Side Pain
Treatments for Left Side Pain
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Diagnosis of Back Pain
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Left-side pregnancy pain

Many women experience left side pain during pregnancy. Inital pregnancy pain may be due to your body stretching to make room for your baby or digestive issues. Later pain in pregnancy could be caused by the ligaments in your abdomen stretching, kidney infection or a uniary tract infection (UTI).
Many women experience left side pain during pregnancy. Inital pregnancy pain may be due to your body stretching to make room for your baby or digestive issues. Later pain in pregnancy could be caused by the ligaments in your abdomen stretching, kidney infection or a urinary tract infection (UTI).

Many women experience left side pain during pregnancy. Early in your pregnancy, it can be a sign that your body is stretching to make room for your baby, or it can stem from digestive issues such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or constipation.

Later in your pregnancy, it can be caused by the ligaments in your abdomen stretching. It can also be a sign of symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD) or pelvic girdle pain (PGP), which is a condition that occurs when the ligaments supporting the pelvic bones relax due to a pregnancy hormone called relaxin.

Urinary tract infections (UTI) or kidney infections can cause pain in your left side at any point during your pregnancy. Pregnant women are more likely to develop urinary tract infections due to hormonal and structural changes during pregnancy.

Signs and symptoms of left side pain during pregnancy

Different types of left side pain that can be present in pregnancy include:

Cramping pain similar to menstrual cramps
Pressure in your pelvic area
Cramping in the left side of the lower abdomen
Pain in your pubic area
Pain in your lower back
Pain that goes down your thighs
Clicking sensation in your pelvis
Pain with urination

Causes of left side pain during pregnancy

First trimester

Left side pain in the first trimester is usually caused by normal bodily changes from pregnancy. It may also be related to digestive issues that tend to be worse during pregnancy, such as GERD. Left side pain in early pregnancy may also be caused by miscarriage. The most serious cause of left side pain in early pregnancy is an ectopic pregnancy, which needs emergency treatment. UTIs and kidney infections can cause left side pain at any point during pregnancy.
Second trimester

Round ligament pain is the most common cause of pain on either side during the second trimester. The round ligaments support the uterus. They stretch during pregnancy to accommodate your growing baby. This is a sharp pain that | s felt in the abdomen or in the hip area, on either side. Any sudden movement that makes these ligaments retract quickly can cause pain. It only lasts for a few seconds and generally gets better in the third trimester.
Third trimester

Pelvic girdle pain (PGP), sometimes called symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD), can occur at any stage in pregnancy but is more common late in pregnancy. The pain may occur in your pubic bone, at approximately the level of your hips, on either side of your lower back, or in the perineum, which is the area between your vagina and anus. It may spread to your thighs as well. You may also have a grinding or clicking feeling in your pubic area. PGP is not harmful to your baby, but it can be very uncomfortable for you.
The first sign of pregnancy is most often: See Answer

When to see the doctor for left side pain during pregnancy

If you have any of the following symptoms accompanying your left side pain, you should call your doctor:

Fever or chills
Vaginal bleeding
Fainting or lightheadedness
Severe pain
Trouble moving around
Fluid leaking from the vagina
The baby moving less
Blood in bowel movements
Nausea or vomiting
Repeated diarrhea
Difficulty urinating or pain with urination

Diagnosing left side pain during pregnancy

Your doctor will take a medical history, listen to your symptoms, and do a physical exam. If necessary, your doctor may order an ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to determine the exact cause of your left side pain. They may also order blood or urine tests to check for other issues, such as a urinary tract infection (UTI).

Treatments for left side pain during pregnancy

Treatment for your left side pain will depend on the cause. It may include a combination of home treatments, medication, or therapy.
Normal changes of pregnancy

For left side pain that is related to normal pregnancy changes, the following may be helpful:

Don | t do any heavy lifting
Try sleeping with a pillow between your knees
Move more slowly but more often
Use a heating pad, but never for more than 10 minutes at a time
Rest more often
Do Kegel exercises
Use a maternity belt for extra support

Round ligament pain

If your left side pain is caused by round ligament pain, try some of these options:

Get extra rest
Move and change positions slowly
If you know you need to cough or sneeze, bend and flex your hips
For persistent pain, your doctor may recommend stretching exercises

Pelvic girdle pain

Pelvic girdle pain (PGP) can range from mild to severe. You can try the following options for relief:

Avoid strenuous activity or heavy lifting
Try a heating pad or ice pack on painful areas, but don | t use a heating pad for more than 10 minutes at a time
Wear a pelvic support belt
Do kegel exercises
Sleep with a pillow between your legs
Talk to your doctor about pain relievers if the pain is severe
Talk to your doctor about physical therapy if home measures aren | t helping

Urinary tract infection (UTI) or kidney infection

UTIs and kidney infections have similar symptoms, and an untreated UTI can lead to a kidney infection. If your doctor suspects one of these conditions, they may try the following treatments:

Your doctor may prescribe antibiotics
You may be treated preventatively with antibiotics for recurrent UTIs
Kidney infections may require hospitalization for intravenous (IV) antibiotics

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What causes back pain in pregnancy?

Low back pain is a common problem reported during pregnancy. More than two-thirds of pregnant women experience this issue.

Back pain is usually reported by about 22 weeks into the pregnancy, although some women experience it earlier.

During pregnancy, the pain usually occurs in the lumbar region or low back, but it may radiate into the posterior thighs and buttocks for some women. The intensity and duration of low back pain varies, but one study found that about one-third of pregnant women felt low back pain was a significant problem.

Fortunately, back pain typically goes away soon after giving birth. Most women don | t experience ongoing issues. That said, there can be other reasons and causes for back pain during pregnancy that require attention from a doctor. Recognizing the common signs and symptoms of back pain in pregnancy can help you determine whether a less common cause, like an infection, may be contributing to your low back pain.

Signs and symptoms of back pain in pregnancy

For some women, low back pain may be one of the first signs that they | re pregnant. Other women may not experience this pain until later in their pregnancy. While each woman will experience a different level of pain, the most common signs and symptoms of back pain in pregnancy include:

Limited motion and stiffness in the back or legs
Increased discomfort or pain as the day goes on
Increased pain at night that makes it hard to sleep

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Causes of back pain in pregnancy

Women | s bodies undergo multiple changes throughout their pregnancy. Several of these changes can contribute to low back pain at different times.

Women who | ve experienced back pain in a previous pregnancy are likely to have back pain in future pregnancies as well. Women with chronic back pain or who have a less active lifestyle before becoming pregnant are also at increased risk of low back pain.

Other common causes of back pain during pregnancy include:
Hormone changes

Progesterone levels slowly rise from the 9th week until the 32nd week of pregnancy. This hormone relaxes the muscles and ligaments near your pelvis. Another hormone called relaxin, which is produced by the ovary and placenta during pregnancy, also impacts the joints and ligaments in your pelvis to make them more flexible for childbirth. These changes can contribute to low back pain.
Changes in the abdominal muscles

Your abdominal muscles help stabilize your spine and support your back. Pregnancy can cause these muscles to stretch and sometimes separate, called diastasis recti, due to the pressure that the growing fetus places on the abdominal muscles. The muscles become weaker as they stretch or separate, which puts the woman at increased risk of low back pain.
Posture changes

The changes in your uterus and the growing baby can change your body | s center of gravity. As a result, most women change their posture. Often, pregnant women lean backward, which can put extra strain on the back muscles, causing muscle stiffness and low back pain.

When to see a doctor for back pain in pregnancy

Discuss any low or moderate back pain at your regular doctor appointments. If you | re experiencing severe or unusual back pain, or pain that lasts for more than two weeks, you should call your doctor | s office immediately.

Severe or unusual back pain can be a sign of preterm labor or a urinary tract infection (UTI). UTIs can be serious, especially when pregnant, and need to be treated by your doctor. Signs of a UTI can include:

Back pain
Burning when urinating
Vaginal bleeding

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Diagnosing back pain in pregnancy

Diagnosis of back pain in pregnancy is primarily based on reported symptoms. Your doctor will take a detailed history of your symptoms and then perform a physical exam to assess how well your spinal muscles, joints, and nerves are functioning. Imaging tests, such as X-rays or CT scans, are typically avoided when possible.

Treatments for back pain in pregnancy

Most women will experience some back pain in pregnancy. Fortunately, there are effective methods that can help prevent and manage the pain. Some common treatments include:
Maintain a good posture

Since your center of gravity will change as your baby grows, you | ll need to pay more attention to your posture and how you | re standing. While leaning backward is common, it can strain your back muscles. Instead, try standing and sitting up straight, using a comfortable wide stance when standing, and keeping your shoulders back and relaxed.
Wear supportive gear

To help manage low back pain, try to wear supportive, low-heeled shoes with arch support. You may want to avoid high-heeled shoes since these can cause additional changes to your center of gravity.

Some women wear a maternity support belt, but there | s limited research on its effectiveness. Talk to your doctor to see if a maternity support belt may be a good choice for you.
Sleep on your side

Try sleeping on your side, with one or both knees bent. You may also want to place a pillow behind your back for additional support.
Incorporate gentle physical activity

Talk with your medical provider about what kind of physical activity is right for you and your developing baby. If approved by your doctor, gentle regular physical activity can help you keep your back strong and prevent or minimize low back pain.
Use heat or cold packs

A hot or cold pack may help ease the pain and relax your muscles.
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Medically Reviewed on 2/25/2022

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