33 weeks pregnancy is how many months?pregnancytips.in

Posted on Mon 6th Apr 2020 : 05:51

Baby Development
Pregnancy Symptoms Week 33
Pregnancy Checklist
Highlights this week
Soft spots

The bones in your baby's skull overlap and will compress into a bullet-like shape so he can fit through the birth canal.
Huffing and puffing

It's typical to be short of breath as your growing uterus puts pressure on your diaphragm and pushes up against your lungs.
Pregnancy brain

Don't worry if you're feeling forgetful. You've got a lot on your mind. Stress and fatigue can interfere with your ability to concentrate.
33 weeks is how many months?

You're in your eighth month!
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Baby development at 33 weeks

Skull flexibility

The bones in your baby's skull aren't fused together, which allows them to move and slightly overlap, making it easier for her to fit through the birth canal. (The pressure on the head during birth is so intense that many babies are born with a cone-head-like appearance.) These bones don't entirely fuse until early adulthood, so they can grow as the brain and other tissue expands during infancy and childhood.

Skin smoothing

Your baby is rapidly losing that wrinkled, alien look, and her skin is less red and transparent. It's becoming soft and smooth as she plumps up in preparation for birth.

Lots of movement

It's getting snug in your womb, so your baby isn't doing as many somersaults, but the amount of kicking should remain about the same.
Your baby at 33 weeks Tap the plus for more details
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Your baby is about the size of a pineapple
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Pregnancy symptoms during week 33

Trouble sleeping

Finding an easy position to sit in – let alone sleep in – is becoming more of a challenge.

Wrist pain

You may be feeling some achiness and even numbness in your fingers, wrists, and hands. Like many other tissues in your body, those in your wrist can retain fluid, which can increase pressure in the carpal tunnel, a bony canal in your wrist.

Increased libido?

Many women still feel sexy at this stage – and their partners often agree. You may need to make some adjustments, but for most women, sex during pregnancy is fine right up until their water breaks or their labor starts.

Don't see your symptom?
Wondering about a symptom you have? Find it on our pregnancy symptoms page.
current state of pregnancy, rolling over in bed counts as exercise
baby in womb at 33 weeks pressing on bladder
Your body at 33 weeks Tap the plus for more details
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Pregnancy checklist at 33 weeks

Think about grandparent names

You can always go with "Grandma" and "Grandpa," but there are plenty of other names that your parents and in-laws may want to go by.

Do kick counts

Choose a time of day when your baby tends to be active. Sit quietly or lie on your side and time how long it takes for you to feel 10 distinct movements (kicks, twitches, and rolls all count). Call your provider if you don't feel at least 10 movements within two hours.
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33 weeks pregnant bellies
33 weeks pregnant bellies
This week's video

BabyCenter's editorial team is committed to providing the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information in the world. When creating and updating content, we rely on credible sources: respected health organizations, professional groups of doctors and other experts, and published studies in peer-reviewed journals. We believe you should always know the source of the information you're seeing. Learn more about our editorial and medical review policies.

ACOG. 2015. FAQ156. Prenatal development: How your baby grows during pregnancy. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. http://www.acog.org/Patients/FAQs/Prenatal-Development-How-Your-Baby-Grows-During-Pregnancy#one [Accessed May 2019]

March of Dimes. 2015. Sex during pregnancy. http://www.marchofdimes.org/pregnancy/sex-during-pregnancy.aspx [Accessed May 2019]

Mayo Clinic. 2015. Fetal development: The third trimester. http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/pregnancy-week-by-week/in-depth/fetal-development/art-20045997 [Accessed May 2019]

MedlinePlus (ADAM). 2015. Fetal development. https://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/002398.htm [Accessed May 2019]

Viera AJ. 2003. Management of carpal tunnel syndrome. American Family Physician 68(2):265-72. http://www.aafp.org/afp/2003/0715/p265.html [Accessed May 2019]

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