33 weeks pregnancy precautions?pregnancytips.in

Posted on Thu 17th Mar 2022 : 04:52

Pregnancy - Week 33
The Wonder, Week by Week Guide

Lately, it might seem like your body has a mind of its own. (And maybe it does!) See what's up — and what's next — with our week-by-week guide.


33rd Week of Pregnancy
Solutions for a Great Night's Sleep

Baby's Growth and Development When You're 33 Weeks Pregnant

The 33rd week of pregnancy and the four weeks that follow mark a time of astounding growth as your baby reaches her ultimate birth weight.

She weighs about 4½ pounds and might grow a full inch in length this week alone! She | s grown to about 12½ inches from crown to rump, or about the length of an average pumpkin.
Your baby continues to gain weight rapidly — about a half pound a week.
The pupils of her eyes can now adjust to bright or dim light, just like yours.
Her lungs continue to develop.
Your amniotic fluid has reached its maximum level now — there | s simply no more room! With less fluid to cushion them, your baby's kicks might feel a bit uncomfortable.

Your Changing Body When You're 33 Weeks Pregnant

When you | re 33 weeks pregnant and in the weeks to come, your body prepares for the upcoming demands of labor and delivery.

The milk-producing glands in your breasts grow larger, increasing your breasts' overall size. Tiny, oil-producing glands that moisturize the area around your nipples might be more noticeable.
Your muscles are probably sore all over from carrying your almost full-grown baby!
Your growing baby might be making it more difficult for you to sleep. See tips for getting some shut-eye.
You're likely to feel practice contractions or false labor pains (Braxton-Hicks) soon.
You probably will continue to gain about a pound a week during the 33rd week of pregnancy and the next several weeks.
You're probably thinking about labor and delivery right now. It's natural for you to feel excited as well as anxious. During your 33rd week of pregnancy, try these tips to prepare:
Educate yourself. Childbirth classes offer valuable insights about what to expect.
Talk to women with positive birth experiences about labor techniques that worked for them.
Discuss questions or worries with your doctor.
Make a plan, but remain flexible about your birthing preferences and pain-relief options.
If you notice any of the signs of preterm labor during the 33rd week of pregnancy and the weeks to come, contact your doctor.

Wellness and Nutrition When You're 33 Weeks Pregnant

During the 33rd or 34th week of pregnancy, you probably have a prenatal doctor visit every two weeks.

In this visit or the next, your doctor might begin to examine your baby's position for birth.
You might have one more appointment before you begin weekly visits.

Time for a Tour!

It | s a good time to preregister at your hospital or birthing center.
Filling out paperwork will be much easier now than when you're in labor!
Take a look now to take away some of the unknown.
If you already haven | t toured the birthing facilities as part of your childbirth classes, ask to see a birthing or labor and delivery room.
Clarify where you need to check in and where your partner needs to park, leaving two less worries when the big day arrives!
Find out what you can bring to help pass the time, whether it | s a few DVDs or your laptop.

Eating Well Is Not Just About What You Eat Now — It's How Much and When

When you | re 33 weeks pregnant, your choice of food, the time of day you eat it, and how much you eat at one sitting directly can impact your well-being.
If certain foods or eating past a certain time prompt bloating, heartburn, or other uncomfortable symptoms, temporarily try to do without.
After your baby's birth, you can reintroduce old favorites back into your diet.
Be sure even your small meals include a balance of nutrients to fuel both you and your baby.

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