What are 4 signs of stress or distress in babies?pregnancytips.in

Posted on Sat 8th Oct 2022 : 10:30

Stress In Babies: Symptoms-

1. Increased crying: Crying can be one of the first and most common reactions of a baby who is stressed. It is a signal to the caregiver that they are not feeling well or need something in normal circumstances. A baby who faces stress could cry more than usual. If your baby is crying uncontrollably, you try to find out what is causing them stress.

2. Changes in eating habits: Stress may interfere with your baby’s eating habits. Some may tend to overeat, while others may experience a lack of appetite. Stress may also cause tummy trouble in infants, and you may notice signs of indigestion.
Babies may refuse to eat when they feel fearful and stressed. However, if your baby is not feeding, you should also look for any possible cause of illnesses or constipation. In later stages of infancy, especially when they transition from breastfeeding to eating solid foods, some babies may refuse the new foods because they may still want to breastfeed.

3. Changes in sleep habits: Stress could interfere with a baby’s sleeping habits. They may stay awake more than usual and cry due to stress.

4. An unfamiliar situation: A study conducted by a team of psychologists from Germany shows that infants become fussy, start crying, and signal parents to pick them up when they are left to play with strangers for a few minutes. This study demonstrates that infants had problems adapting to new situations when they are under stress

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