fighting with husband during pregnancy?

Posted on Sun 25th Nov 2018 : 17:22

How Does Fighting During Pregnancy Affect You and Your Baby

In This Article

How Does Fighting and Yelling Affect Your Unborn Baby?
Common Fights Expectant Couples Have
Effects of Arguing and Screaming on the Mother
Tips to Avoid Fighting and Arguing During Pregnancy

The pregnancy experience is distinctive to each couple. Along with happiness and excitement, the entry of the baby can also bring with it physical, financial, and emotional stress. You may notice that there will be more disputes between you and your partner once you find out that you | re going to be parents. While fighting is common in couples, you should know that disagreements could be harmful to your baby. Read on to know how fighting with your spouse during pregnancy can affect your baby | s health.
How Does Fighting and Yelling Affect Your Unborn Baby?

An angry pregnant woman yelling on the phone

It is overwhelming to think that fighting with your husband during pregnancy can affect the baby | s well being. Fighting causes anxiety and depression, and that can harm your baby. Arguing during pregnancy affects the baby, from the brain to the immune system. Some of the effects are listed below:
1. Constricted Brain Development

Keep shouting and screaming to a minimum. Anger prohibits the development of your baby | s brain. It not only affects the baby | s IQ, but also his/her ability to manage emotions later in life. Babies who are exposed to high levels of stress during pregnancy are prone to anxiety and have a larger amygdala, which is the section of the brain responsible for regulating response to frightening stimuli.

2. Physical Deformities

A physical squabble can harm your child. It results in the highest risk of stillbirth. Physical abuse during pregnancy can cause low birth weight, physical injuries, and bleeding, as well.
3. Compromised Immune System

An increase in stress, during or after a fight, can also suppress a child | s immune system, leading to illness and health problems in the future.

4. Physiological and Biological Development

Anger increases our heart rates and blood pressure, as well as adrenaline and epinephrine, contributing to growing tension and causing blood vessels to constrict. This results in the reduction of oxygen to the uterus, compromising foetal blood supply. It can also cause, ulcers, asthma, high blood pressure (hypertension), heart problems, headaches, skin disorders and digestive problems.
5. Addiction or Overindulgence

There is a direct link between uncontrolled anger and crime, emotional and physical abuse, and other violent behaviours, with fighting during pregnancy. In the future, these people tend to indulge in habits that are dangerous to their health, such as smoking, excessive alcohol use, and overeating.

Common Fights Expectant Couples Have

While each couple is different, and often has their own set of issues they tend to fight about, there are a few sensitive topics that are bound to raise an argument between the husband and wife. Here are common fights that expectant couples tend to have:
1. Being Selfish

Once you | re pregnant, everything revolves around the baby, and rightly so. However, many husbands may feel their wives are obsessed, and can | t talk about anything else, which may result in a fight. On the other hand, the husband could be caught up with work and miss out on important events such as doctors appointments, angering the wife.
2. Money

Finances are a huge cause for fights between expectant couples. Of course, none of you would have a clear idea of how much your expenses would increase after the baby, and this may cause a huge difference in opinion on spending and saving.
3.Name of the Baby

Naming the baby is a huge deal, and most couples want to choose a name that | s unique, meaningful, and fit for the baby. Agreeing on a name can be a task, especially if your family members wish to have a say.

Effects of Arguing and Screaming on the Mother

As the pregnancy progresses, the woman may experience significant emotional changes and mood swings that could lead to an argument with the partner. These changes are due to rapidly changing levels of the estrogen and progesterone hormones. Yelling, shouting or fighting can be inimical for the mother. Stress may lead to cramping, headaches, nauseous and sleep apnea. It may also lead to premature labour. Arguing while pregnant, in the first trimester, can lead to depression and irritability, as well. Hence, avoiding fights with your partner is the best solution for a peaceful pregnancy.
Tips to Avoid Fighting and Arguing During Pregnancy

A good partnership is very challenging during pregnancy. Besides hormonal changes, lack of sleep and energy, and the changing body shape of the mother, there is a huge life shift for the couple. These changes affect even sturdy relationships, and arguments can pop up more than usual. Here are some tips to avoid a dispute with your partner.

Compliment Each Other More Often

A husband can compliment her pregnant wife by telling her how well she is managing things, or thank her for taking care of the developing child. On the other hand, a wife can compliment her husband for supporting them. This will lead to less fights.

Be More Understanding

A better understanding with your partner helps avoid arguments. Help each other out with routine tasks in the house, so you both get extra time to rest and rejuvenate.

Talk About Fear, Anxieties, and Future Plans

During pregnancy, there are so many unknown things to be scared of. The wife may be worried about pregnancy, labour, and parenthood. Whereas, the husband may be worried about finances, responsibilities, etc. the Discussion about pregnancy planning strengthens your bond and helps you get into each other | s mind.

Go for Activity Classes Together

Do some additional fun things that make you feel better. Joining a yoga or a meditation group gives you the chance to meet other people who share your situation. Exercise keeps you both physically fit and mentally relaxed.

It is normal to have arguments sometimes, which is not likely to cause any harm, but any excessive argument should be avoided, since it may cause serious consequences to both the mother and the baby. Using tips and proper medical therapy can pacify these arguments for a smooth pregnancy.

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