how i knew i was pregnant before missed period?

Posted on Fri 14th Jun 2019 : 07:24

Can I Tell If I’m Pregnant Before I Miss My Period?

Earliest signs
False positives
Pregnancy or PMS?
When to take a test
Delayed period causes

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Perhaps you’re doing everything you can to try to get pregnant right now, including ditching the birth control, spending extra time in bed with your partner, and tracking ovulation.

You may want to know if you’re pregnant as soon as possible. Unfortunately, without taking a home pregnancy test, or getting a blood test or ultrasound, there isn’t a 100 percent certain way to tell you’re pregnant before missing your period.

Nevertheless, certain signs and symptoms could be a hint that you’re in the first weeks of pregnancy.
Earliest pregnancy symptoms before missed period

Below are some of the early symptoms of pregnancy you may experience before missing your period. Keep in mind that pregnancy symptoms often mimic PMS symptoms.
Sore or sensitive breasts

One of the earliest changes you may notice during pregnancy is sore or aching breasts. Your breasts may also feel tender to the touch, or fuller or heavier than normal. This is due to rising progesterone levels in the body.

This symptom may continue throughout your pregnancy or subside after the first few weeks.
Darkening areolas

You may also notice your areolas (the area around your nipples) darken. This can happen as early as one to two weeks after conception and is often a first sign of pregnancy.

Fatigue is common during the first months of pregnancy. This is due to hormonal changes. Plus your blood sugar and blood pressure levels are lower at this time.

Nausea and morning sickness usually start between the fourth and sixth weeks of pregnancy. You may experience some queasiness before then. Pregnancy nausea is worse for some women than it is for others.
Cervical mucus

You may notice a change or increase in vaginal discharge in early pregnancy. During the first trimester, you may secrete sticky, white, or pale yellow mucus. This is because of increased hormones and vaginal blood flow.

This may continue throughout your pregnancy as your cervix softens.
Implantation bleeding

You may experience implantation bleeding, or light spotting or bleeding, about 10 to 14 days after conception.

Implantation bleeding usually occurs about a week before your expected period. The bleeding will be a lot lighter than your usual period. It will stop after one to three days.
Frequent urination

You’ve probably heard that you’ll have to pee all the time during pregnancy. This is because your body increases the amount of blood it pumps, resulting in the kidneys processing more fluid than usual. That means more fluid in your bladder.

Frequently having to run to the bathroom to pee may be an early sign of pregnancy. This can start as early as two weeks after conception. But you may not have this symptom until the second or third trimester.
Basal body temperature

Your basal body temperature (BBT) is your temperature when you’re fully at rest. It’s usually taken when you first wake up in the morning.

A rise in basal body temperature for 18 days following ovulation may be an early symptom of pregnancy. This method works best if you’ve been tracking your BBT for a while and know what it was pre-pregnancy and throughout your cycle.

If your stomach feels bloated, it may be a symptom of early pregnancy. Your digestive system can slow down because of hormonal changes. This can cause bloating, constipation, or gas.

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wordpress 4 years ago 5 Answer
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