normal delivery stitches healing cream?

Posted on Wed 26th Dec 2018 : 11:02

How to Care for Your Stitches After an Episiotomy to Minimize the Risk of Infection
Anna Targonskaya, MD — Obstetrician-Gynecologist, Medical Advisor

Episiotomy Healing tips Timeline When to seek professional help?

Many people have stitches after delivering a baby. Stitching helps close up the incision area neatly and speeds up the healing process. In this article, we’ll explain how to properly take care of your post-delivery stitches.

Episiotomy is a surgical cut made in the area between the vagina and the anus to widen the vaginal opening for delivery.
Reasons for an episiotomy

Experts don’t recommend episiotomies for everyone, so your health care provider will use their expertise and judgment to determine if it’s right for you.

The most common reasons for an episiotomy are:

Your baby's shoulder is stuck behind your pelvic bone (shoulder dystocia)
Your baby has an abnormal heart rate pattern during your delivery
You need an operative vaginal delivery (using forceps or vacuum)

How to care for stitches after delivery to minimize the risk of pain and infection

Episiotomy stitches shouldn’t cause too much of a problem if you’re able to take care of the wound properly. If you have stitches from an episiotomy, make sure to visit your health care provider regularly and follow their instructions precisely.

Here are some tips to help speed up your recovery and avoid infections.

Follow hygiene procedures.

It's very important to stay clean and take good care of your stitches after giving birth. Good hygiene will help prevent the area from getting infected. It is also crucial to wash your hands before and after using the toilet. The bacteria on your hands can easily cause postpartum complications. Your health care provider may also provide you with a squeeze bottle of antiseptic that can help keep the perineal area clean.

Take your time to rest.

Rest is very important for your recovery. Resting is a good way to recover after delivery and heal your wound. Avoid strenuous work as you recover. Ask for help from your relatives and friends as much as you need it.

Make use of ice packs.

Putting ice on your stitches can help heal your wound faster by easing inflammation. You can get ice packs that you can wear just like pads. These ice packs should be worn for about 10 to 20 minutes to ease pain from stitches after birth. These ice packs are disposable and should only be used once to prevent contamination of the cut area.

Expose the stitches to fresh air.

Exposing the stitches to fresh air can help the healing process. Lying on your bed without underwear for 10 minutes once or twice a day may be helpful.

Try stool softeners.

Your health care provider can prescribe you with a stool softener. This type of medication can make it easier to move your bowels and reduce straining. Apart from preventing straining, stool softeners can also help relieve pain from the stitched area during postpartum recovery.

Abstain from sex.

Having sex immediately after giving birth can be painful. It can also complicate the recovery process. It’s better to wait until your wound has fully healed and your stitches are out.

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