shatavari pregnancy success stories?

Posted on Wed 17th Mar 2021 : 21:43

Shatavari – A Wonder Herb for Fertility

In This Article

What Is Shatavari?
Is Shatavari Good for Fertility?
Benefits of Shatavari for Fertility Boosting
How to Take Shatavari for Fertility
Side Effects of Shatavari

Shatavari is a popular Ayurvedic herb present in many medicinal formulations, which is believed to help improve fertility. Several couples you have been trying their best to conceive but with not much success, have resorted to ayurvedic medicines. Shatavari – the name itself means a curer of a hundred diseases. The emotionally challenging task of conceiving is believed to be made easy by the consumption of this herb. This herb is said to nourish the system and rejuvenate the reproductive organs, thus improving fertility. It is also believed to help balance the overall female hormone system and promotes overall female vitality. But how much of this information is true? Let | s find out!
What Is Shatavari?

Shatavari is a plant with thin needle-like leaves, graceful stems, branches, and delicate flowers. Its herbal power is in its cream-coloured thick, tuberous roots. It is also known as a plant that has one hundred roots below the ground. The botanical name of | Shatavari | is | Asparagus Racemosus | .
Shatavari is believed to have medicinal properties that provide strength to the body, vitality, vigour, and overall juiciness in life. It is said to enhance fertility by nourishing the womb and getting the female organs ready for pregnancy. It also prevents the threat of miscarriages. Apart from solving reproductive problems, Shatavari also helps treat nervous disorders, throat infections, tuberculosis, cough, or bronchitis. It is indeed a cure for a hundred ailments.
Is Shatavari Good for Fertility?

Shatavari, a pure herb extract, is known to be an aphrodisiac that can improve the chances of conception. It is said to help in ovulation and restore any hormonal imbalance, too. It also tones and nourishes the female reproductive organs. It is also believed to be highly beneficial for women after childbirth as it aids lactation. Hence, it is considered to be a primary herb for female health.

Shatavari powder and a glass of milk
Benefits of Shatavari for Fertility Boosting

Shatavari is known to improve female fertility, but it can improve male fertility as well. It is also known to possess healing properties for other health issues, too. The multiple minerals it contains is highly beneficial for depression, arthritis, and high cholesterol. Some key benefits of the herb are given below:
1. Decreases Stress

The centre of the brain which regulates the hormones gets affected by stress. Women then find it difficult to get pregnant due to hormonal imbalance and ovulation issues. Excessive stress sometimes results in ovarian cysts and endometriosis. Shatavari calms down the nervous system by helping you relax. It counteracts the negative effects of stress. Also, Shatavari being an adaptogenic herb, it helps the body cope with physical and emotional stress.
2. Helps in Better Ovulation

The herb is a phytochemical and responsible for the production of oestrogen, ovulation, and a healthy menstrual cycle. It helps in the better production of a hormone which helps in improving ovulation in women.
3. Improves Immunity

A weak immune system can make a woman prone to infertility and many other health issues. It could make it difficult for a woman to conceive as the reproductive system is easily attacked by diseases. The entry of foreign invaders can be prevented by a good immune system. Shatavari can improve your immunity and increase your chances of conception.
4. Enhances Mucous Membranes

Shatavari contains mucilage, which acts as a tonic for the mucous membrane of the cervix and also protects it. Well-protected cervix secretes cervical mucus which is responsible for fertility in a healthy ovulation cycle. The herb also boosts fertility in men by making the semen healthier. And it also helps cure vaginal dryness, which may hinder intercourse, thus delaying pregnancy.
5. Aids Liver and Kidney

Female fertility is affected to a huge extent by liver and kidney. Excess fluid accumulation caused due to infertility results in unhealthy menstruation. The wonder herb, Shatavari aids healthy menstruation by removing the excess fluid present in the liver and kidney.
6. Helps Restore Hormonal Imbalances

Shatavari helps normalise hormonal secretion. It is generally seen that many women suffer from a polycystic ovarian syndrome which disturbs the cycle of ovulation and results in hormonal imbalances. Shatavari improves the chances of conceptions by removing the symptoms and restoring hormonal imbalances. The chances of conception increase manifold by the consumption of this herb as it stabilises irregularities in the menstrual cycle and improves follicular maturity.
7. Decreases the Toxic Build Up

Shatavari herb eliminates the toxic build-up in the body. It also helps create a healthy environment for pregnancy to flourish by enabling the sperm and egg to unite.

Now that you know the benefits of shatavari, you must also know that it is highly advisable to consume shatavari only after an expert has prescribed it, and it is best not to self-medicate. The expert would diagnose the problem and provide solutions and doses accordingly. Read on to know the ways the herb can be taken.
How to Take Shatavari for Fertility

The herb is available commonly in three forms – capsule, liquid, or powder. But this wonder medicine should not be taken without consulting an Ayurvedic expert practitioner. Most times, it is advised to take shatavari along with milk. The purity, quality, and strength of this herb vary from supplement to supplement. However, you must buy it from a branded store after the expert prescribes it.

If you | ve read the article till here, you are probably considering taking shatavari. But before that, you must know the risks of consuming the herb as it also has side effects.
Side Effects of Shatavari

As much as possible, you should go for prescription drugs as herbal medicines may be contaminated and affect your fertility adversely. Shatavari could also have the following side effects.

Shatavari could cause a rash and itchy skin in case of an allergy.
The herb could cause itchy eyes, so check for an allergy first.
It could cause dizziness.
The herb could increase the heart rate.
It could cause breathing difficulty, so it | s best to check for allergy before consuming it regularly.

Shatavari may be considered a primary herb recommended to treat fertility issues, but its outcome varies from person to person. Having said that, this natural herb should be taken with care, even if it has multiple benefits. Speak to your medical practitioner/fertility expert when considering shatavari to improve fertility.

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