How does a healthy sperm looks like?

Posted on Fri 14th Oct 2022 : 08:19

What Healthy Sperm Looks Like—Plus 7 Ways to Keep It Healthy
Ever wonder if what you’re looking at when it comes to your own sperm is normal? Turns out an at-home once-over probably won’t tell you much of anything. Even if everything does appear normal and healthy on the surface, you can’t really tell whether your sperm is healthy just by looking at it. Scheduling an appointment with your healthcare provider to perform a semen analysis is the only way to find out for sure.

“A sperm specimen needs to be collected and looked at through a microscope to evaluate if it's healthy,” says Kaylen Silverberg, a reproductive endocrinologist at Texas Fertility Center in Austin, Texas. “That's because the factors that indicate healthy sperm can't be seen with the naked eye.” When it comes to analyzing your sperm to determine if it’s healthy enough, this once again isn’t something you can do on your own outside of a lab analysis.

According to the World Health Organization, a normal semen analysis consists of a sperm concentration of about 16 million/cc semen, a motility of at least 30%, and at least 4% normally shaped sperm. That’s what doctors look for in said lab analysis.

Until that appointment rolls around, look at your lifestyle, because a healthier you generally makes for healthier sperm.

Your doctor should keep you informed as to whether everything looks good, but you can always ask about these factors either during your visit or when you get your lab results. In the meantime, there are several lifestyle factors that can affect your sperm quality, and fortunately, a lot of them are within your control and can make a difference in as little as three months.
So, what does healthy sperm look like?
sperm cells or spermatozoa, immunofluorescent photomicrograph, organs samples, histological examination, histopathology on the microscope
According to Dr. Silverberg, when it comes to healthy sperm, what you doctor is primarily looking for are three factors: sperm count (the number of sperm in a volume of semen), sperm motility (the percentage of sperm that are alive and swimming), and sperm morphology (the percentage of sperm with a normal size and shape).

“[An] andrologist will take a look at the sperm under the microscope to see if they are using their tail to swim in a straight line,” explains Lauren Bishop, a reproductive endocrinology and fertility specialist at the Columbia University Fertility Center. “They will also look at the head to make sure this appears oval. The tail should be long and move smoothly through the fluid.”
Signs you have healthy sperm

It doesn't take forever to change the quality of your sperm. Some doctors say that changing your lifestyle might change your sperm quality within three months. Until you get your doctor's read on how healthy yours are, here are scientific signs that suggest you have strong sperm. How many can you cross off?
You have a smaller waist
young man tired after training showing his abdominal muscles

You don’t even have to have a six-pack—as long as you don’t have a gut, your semen is probably doing pretty well.

Researchers from the Netherlands found that men with a waist circumference of 40 inches or greater had lower sperm concentrations and counts of normal-moving sperm than guys with a more whittled waist.

The researchers aren’t exactly sure why a spare tire is bad for your swimmers. But they believe carrying too much weight—especially around your midsection—may interfere with the release of sex hormones, as well as the production and development of sperm.

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