finger pregnancy test online?

Posted on Fri 3rd Jul 2020 : 04:06

Fingerprint Pregnancy Tests Online: Does It Work?

If only it were as easy as scanning a finger on a smartphone to find out if a baby was on the way.
Fingerprint Pregnancy Tests Online Does It Work(1)(2)
via Pixabay/stux

Those who are wondering if they might be pregnant before taking a test may have run across pregnancy fingerprint tests online. Given that each fingerprint is unique to every individual, it sounds like it might almost be plausible that by simply scanning a finger it would be possible to receive an answer whether a baby is on the way or not. Unfortunately, as far as home pregnancy tests have come with their short window to give results and their accuracy, pregnancy fingerprint tests are not only not accurate, they should be used for entertainment purposes only.


Fingerprint pregnancy tests online were designed for people to have a laugh to see what their probability was of having a boy versus a girl. As such, it is not surprising that the test results are accurate 50 percent of the time. Some also offer a questionnaire that gives users information based on their answers whether they may be pregnant and directs them to take a home pregnancy test. At the end of the day, however, as professional and real as the finger scan may look on the apps, fingerprint pregnancy tests online are unable to give results about pregnancy.

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wordpress 3 years ago 5 Answer
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