natural birth?

Posted on Wed 19th Feb 2020 : 00:17

'Natural' Birth Without Pain Medication

planned natural birth
Think you might want to avoid drugs and medical interventions during labor? Then a 'natural birth' might be for you. Learn what it | s all about and if it | s the right decision for you.
In This Article

What is natural birth?
What are the benefits of a natural birth?
What are the risks of a natural birth?
Is natural birth right for you?
How to prepare for a natural birth
Tips for your natural birth

From start (when to conceive) to finish (how to deliver), pregnancy is full of personal choices. No matter how you deliver — unmedicated, with an epidural or via C-section — you should feel in awe of what you've accomplished and proud of your body.

When it comes to welcoming your baby, if you don't envision giving birth in a hospital setting or you hope to deliver with little to no medications or interventions, an unmedicated birth might be right for you. But what exactly does it mean, and are you a good candidate? Learn about the benefits and the risks of birth without pain medication so you can make an informed decision about your labor and delivery plan.
Health Benefits of Pregnancy and Motherhood
What is natural birth?

There's no "right" way to welcome a baby into the world, and all types of childbirth are natural. The term "natural birth" has historically been used to refer to vaginal labor and delivery with limited to no medical intervention; it can involve a variety of choices, from the doctor you choose to the pain relief you use.

Here are the most common options usually involved in a unmedicated birth:

Delivering at a birthing center or at home rather than in a hospital (although you can definitely request to have a drug-free birth in a hospital)
Working with a doula, midwife or an OB/GYN who has stated a preference for using minimal interventions (talk to your practitioner and ask her if and how often she | s assisted in natural births, or look for OB/GYNs who work at birthing centers)
Instead of lying on your back in bed, opting for alternative delivery positions including squatting, all fours (hands and knees), kneeling, or leaning against something (a chair or your partner)
Giving birth in a tub of warm water
Alternative drug-free methods including hydrotherapy, hypnosis, massage, relaxation techniques, mindfulness meditation, breathing exercises and acupressure
Delivering baby immediately to your stomach for skin-to-skin contact and breastfeeding instead of taking her away to be assessed and weighed first (although many hospitals now encourage this regardless of how you give birth)
Avoiding routine IV, labor induction, routine episiotomy (which, fortunately, is rarely used these days anyway), assisted delivery with forceps, vacuum extraction and cesarean section (unless one of these medical interventions is deemed medically necessary)

What are the benefits of a natural birth?

Many moms who opt for a unmedicated birth enjoy knowing exactly what their bodies are capable of without medication. Here are a few other benefits to consider.

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